Penske deal fails, Saturn to be shut down

a line of credit from a bank is not the same as tax payer bailout money from the government. Ford also sold off it’s lesser performing brands a few years ago anticipating this economy. Ford is still a family owned business who cares about the future, GM and Chrysler just hire a CEO who could care less about the company after he retires. As long as he gets his money.

If GM and Chrysler made a better product for less money than toyota or nissan, etc…, they would not be in this situation in the first place, so yes, their products are inferior.

Who said the foreign companies don’t employ americans? And it really has nothing to do with the discussion, but thanks for throwing it up there.


Wow, they must be smarter than everyone else in the financial & housing sectors. Nostrafordus!

they are fucking brilliant :smiley:

There is so much stupid in this post I don’t know where to begin. What the fuck is the difference if GM had to get it’s line of credit from a government subsidized bank or right from the government itself? You might say “oh the taxpayers are now on the hook.” Bullshit. The government will eventually get it’s money back and probably make a profit on the deal. Not tomorrow or the day after, but the money HAS to be paid back.

As far as Ford being family owned and “caring about the future”

Are you fucking serious? On a car board, we’re really going to play fanboy over companies corporate structures? Just because FOMOCO got itself into serious trouble a few years BEFORE GM and Chrysler and was forced to liquidate some assets doesn’t mean they’re smart. It means they lucked out, in a way.

Ford is a much better run company than GM or Chrysler is. They had a problem and fixed it. They didn’t go whining to the gov to help them.

Fanboy or not, ford told the gov to piss off with bailout money and that should be worth something. Any company telling the gov to butt out is OK in my book.

Do you really think that all of the money they took will be paid back to the government?

Like I said, Ford fucked themselves in a good market and were able to liquidate assets and get credit to keep afloat. GM’s shit hit the fan in a bad market when no credit was available and were not fortunate enough to be able to liquidate assets. That isn’t anything for Ford to hang it’s hat on.

Fanboy or not, ford told the gov to piss off with bailout money and that should be worth something.

What, exactly?

Do you really think that all of the money they took will be paid back to the government?

Yes, I do. They have tangible assets. If GM fails and the government totally takes it over, they have shit that can be sold to recoup that money. Now Goldman Sachs and AIG are a different story.

Ford sold most of there assests to the gov a few years back so they wouldnt go under. They did go whining to the gov.

All I know about any of this is: My brother works for Pepsi in N.C. as a wrench they told him that they are going to sell ALL of their Chevy stuff big rigs included because “we won’t use vehicles that are owned by our goverment.” That’s all I know. Truth or not? Buy your ammo now where you can, reload if you gottem’.


First definitive thing in the thread.

As far as bailouts…the main problem is they artificially inflate the value of the company.

If market conditions and management result in a company selling itself off, should the government really say, ‘no, it’s really worth this much.’

good, everyone should do this.

No, they aren’t.

I’m pretty sure that because the government loaned General Motors money that doesn’t mean that my Corvette is now owned by the government.

I could see how some ignorant hick could think that, though…

you keep supporting the gov taking over businesses and I won’t.

I don’t like that the govt had to step in, but it was to curb total economic collapse. Let’s fix the problem that made it that way instead of whining about what had to be done in the aftermath.

and what made the problem in the first place for GM and Chrysler?

anyway, the gov stepping in is just proof that gov wants to control everything. It’s fucking BS that they stepped in and a horrible precedent to set for America. The banks were bad enough, the car industry was way out of line.

your mom.


great comeback. Only the best from Darkstar. :slight_smile:

The government didn’t institute high tariffs on foreign made cars to protect the domestic industry. The government didn’t regulate stockholder/white collar/blue collar/no collar greed.