People are just idiots

Quoted from

What happens when a Jeep drives over a mattress? An Escher-like hellscape of cord and wires that didn’t stop the Jeep

for 30 miles and only when the wires finally punctured the fuel tank.

The following stunning display of driver ignorance is making the rounds in a number of fan-boy forums across the internet:
a Jeep owner mowed over a mattress and decided to press forward. Only after his vehicle stalled due to lack of fuel after
30 miles did he decide to contact the dealer and see what the matter might be. What unfolds can only be described as an
Escher-like hellscape.

The amalgamation of cord and wires that used to be a mattress wound itself around the driveshaft and rear axle, creating
a deadly whip that gashed it’s way through the gas tank. The draining of his precious fuel, not the terrible shaking, is what
ultimately brought the owner into the dealer. We would’ve loved to be part of the laugh-fest that surely took place at said
dealer after this mess rolled in. The text of the email is located below for your enjoyment.


i need to move to canada :idiots

Wow… Lesson learned. Don’t run over mattresses.


But if it was a temperpediac or it should drive 10x better

lol i’ve seen some wild shit in my shop, but that is fucking priceless!!! :crackup :nuts


Thats fucking crazy. How did he not noticed the shaking and noise, let alone a mattress in the road?

I really wouldve thought it was a woman driver.

step 1: take garden hose
step 2: cut a 3 foot section
step 3: fill 1/2 hose with ball bearings of similar diameter and fold in half
step 4: beat driver and take away license

30 effing miles and you only stop because you run out of gas!? :idiots



Lmao thats like this lady that came into my shop.She ran into mini metal linked fences and it was all wrap up in her axle.She brought it in for a weird “vibration” :crackup
