I have had a Acura 3.2 TL for 18 months and have replaced five (5) tires after hitting small pot holes or curbs. In 30 years of driving I have had to replace five tires only since I purchased this vehicle. I believe there is a problem [with] Acura engineering of the tire, the wheel or perhaps both.
I would like to know if any acura owners have had problems with their tires and rims. My son has an acura 2002 3.2TL about a month ago he hit either a pot hole or a curb and his tire got a bubble and had to be replaced. I just recently bought a MDX (picked it up 6-12-03) and my daughter hit a pot hole, then a curb (coming from a red light), blew out two tires cracked a rim and now I’m told there is damage to the axle, frame, and whatever. I had a Ford Explorer and I could run over anything. I find this so hard to believe, 2 acura cars in 1 household with the same problem. If there is anyone else who this happened too I would like to know. I feel there could be a defect in the manufacturing.
My TL is a mystery. It has an AEM intake and wires for a sub, but all the records show it was an older man who drove it. Including his verbal phonebook which was still saved in the car. Also has slight curbing on some of the wheels.
hey guys, i have a 2005 Acura RSX Type S, i put a reverse snorkel on it, and drove through a pond, now my car knocks. i think Acura should repair it because the engine isnt very well engineered. I once had a Jeep Wrangler and could drive down to the Titanic without a problem.