People that have replaced the clutch on an SR20DET

Alright, I have bitched and moaned about my problems getting my tranny back on the engine enough. My ACT clutch came with a pilot bushing, is it necessary to replace the bushing that is already in the SR? Or can I use the original?

NOt sure what bushing your talking about, do you mean the throwout bearing?
I had a Spec clutch in mine that only lasted 11000km, I replaced it wit a
maxima clutch and pressure plate, reused the TOB, no bushings were swapped out if that helps you out.


Not the throwout bearing…

The pilot bushing is a small brass cylinder that is about two inches tall and would probably fit over your pinky finger like a ring. (lol… lame description, i know…) It supposedly goes in through the pressure plate before you insert the input shaft.

Someone must have an ACT clutch here…

i didn’t

The pilot bushing/bearing sits between the flywheel and the crank end. I believe you have to remove the flywheel to get at it, and it’s a bitch to take off from what I hear.

The pilot bearing is in the end of the crankshaft, it aligns the centers of your crankshaft and your transmission input shaft. If your new clutch came with one, change it - since you have it. There is a trick that makes it really easy to remove the old one. find a steel rod that fits in the end of it - make sure it fits almost perfectly in diameter. fill the entire area in the end of your crankshaft full of grease thru the pilot bearing (it wont take that much) now shove that steel rod into your pilot bearing and tap it with a hammer as you tap the rod in, it will force the grease out but since the rod fits so well, it will force the pilot bearing out instead. I have used this method on many types of cars and it works every time. Now just tap the new one in to the end of your crankshaft making sure its straight and only tap it in as far as the old one was.