Peppering (douchebag driver rant)

Thats just pussy. I will never, in my life do that. Infact all the people ahead of me that seem to pull over for no reason to let me by just to come back on the road and follow me should be punched in the face. pussy little fucks. If you cant handle the pressure, stay the fuck home.

Thats whey you pull your gun. serious. Honestly it isnt hard to loose some maniac on the roads. On the higway, hit the brakes or the gas to distance yourself from the looser, and cock block him at the first exit you get off. Problem solved. Shit, if I was in that situaition, I would attract as much attention as I could to maybe get a cop to come after us both. then let the gun guy dig his own hole.

Seriously, I have no problem with what he did. Fuck I did it once or twice this past month! Motherfuckers need to get a god damn clue how to drive and fit the fuck into traffic. Every day I see this shit, and if I can teach one of them a lesson, as I see it I am making the road safer one hand full of pennies at a time.

Simple: Dont act like a retard in your 3500lb killing machine around me, and you wont get peppered. /thread.