permit to paint your house

I can really see Buffalo pulling some crap like this:

Residents in Daytona Beach Shores should think twice before painting their homes.

About a year ago, the city adopted a paint permit process that requires residents to pay depending on how many colors they are painting with.

If you are using two or fewer colors the fee is $45, but that goes up to $200 for three or more colors.

In addition, you can only use earth tones and pastels.

The city is now checking on residents to make sure they are complying with the new rules.

thats retarded

soon, there will be a fee for passing gas in public.

Eh, while I dont agree with the fee, I agree with the regulations

People do some pretty wacky shit, and I dont want to live next door to a neon pink house that is going to drive down property values…


Eh, while I dont agree with the fee, I agree with the regulations

People do some pretty wacky shit, and I dont want to live next door to a neon pink house that is going to drive down property values…


:word: I’d hate hate to live in one of those high-end communities that don’t restrict what you can do so much as tell you what you have to do (must stain your deck walnut brown, can’t leave your car in the driveway at night, yadda yadda yadda) it’s better than your house losing value because nut cases on either side of you decided to paint their houses pink and purple. :gotme:


:word: I’d hate hate to live in one of those high-end communities that don’t restrict what you can do so much as tell you what you have to do (must stain your deck walnut brown, can’t leave your car in the driveway at night, yadda yadda yadda) it’s better than your house losing value because nut cases on either side of you decided to paint their houses pink and purple. :gotme:


ya because when i pay over $100k for something i want a “neighborhood board” to tell me what i can and can not do to my own house :bloated:

Eh, I mean I’m all for reasonable laws. The kind that you or I would never have to worry about. Then again, I don’t know you. Maybe you want to paint your house bright pink with purple trim and have 6 camaro’s on blocks with the engine bays turned into flower beds in your front yard?


Eh, I mean I’m all for reasonable laws. The kind that you or I would never have to worry about. Then again, I don’t know you. Maybe you want to paint your house bright pink with purple trim and have 6 camaro’s on blocks with the engine bays turned into flower beds in your front yard?


riiiight so you would have no problem having a group of people tell you what color your house has to be, when you can cut your lawn, how often you have to cut it, how many cars you can have in the driveway and if its not good enough to have to always put it in the garage, etc, etc.

I dont like weird colored houses or shit like that, but to have a bunch of idiots who dont know shit telling me what i can and can not do on my own property is retarded.


riiiight so you would have no problem having a group of people tell you what color your house has to be, when you can cut your lawn, how often you have to cut it, how many cars you can have in the driveway and if its not good enough to have to always put it in the garage, etc, etc.

I dont like weird colored houses or shit like that, but to have a bunch of idiots who dont know shit telling me what i can and can not do on my own property is retarded.


No, but I also don’t want to live next to some asshole who’s front yard looks like a hayfield, who’s house looks like shit because he painted it pink and purple to match the 4 non-registered, non-running f-bodies he has sitting on blocks in his driveway.

If the oridinances are within reason, I don’t have a problem with them. I know people bitch about the unregistered car in the driveway one here all the time, but I don’t have an issue with it because without it some people would have POS’s slowing returning to the earth in the form of rust making the neighborhood look like shit, and there would be nothing you could do about it.


Eh, while I dont agree with the fee, I agree with the regulations

People do some pretty wacky shit, and I dont want to live next door to a neon pink house that is going to drive down property values…


That actually happened in the town my grandmother lives in, someone painted one of the houses on a main street neon pink and it pissed everyone off


No, but I also don’t want to live next to some asshole who’s front yard looks like a hayfield, who’s house looks like shit because he painted it pink and purple to match the 4 non-registered, non-running f-bodies he has sitting on blocks in his driveway.

If the oridinances are within reason, I don’t have a problem with them. I know people bitch about the unregistered car in the driveway one here all the time, but I don’t have an issue with it because without it some people would have POS’s slowing returning to the earth in the form of rust making the neighborhood look like shit, and there would be nothing you could do about it.


And chances are their house looked like that before you moved in. So don’t move to a house that has retards for neighbors. :gotme:

my wifes father does that shit, Painting the house all different fucked up non matching colors. Then he paints with dead leaves and shit. I TOTTALY redid the house and he was pissed as hell cause everyone liked it and not his crap!


And chances are their house looked like that before you moved in. So don’t move to a house that has retards for neighbors. :gotme:


And chances are just as good that I was there first and the asshole moved in after me.


ya because when i pay over $100k for something i want a “neighborhood board” to tell me what i can and can not do to my own house :bloated:


If you paid $500k for your dream house, and your next door neighbor paints it neon green, youre going to be pissed.


If you paid $500k for your dream house, and your next door neighbor paints it neon green, youre going to be pissed.


if i payed $500k for a house my neighbor would be 300ft away with a row of trees blocking them :smiley:


if i payed $500k for a house my neighbor would be 300ft away with a row of trees blocking them :smiley:


I mean if you lived in spaulding lake or some other lame development.

Some things such as registered cars i agree with, all else, GTFO its my property, I do what i want.


Some things such as registered cars i agree with, all else, GTFO its my property, I do what i want.


Then you’re the reason these ordinances exist, because your neighbors don’t want you “doing what you want”. :wink:


if i payed $500k for a house my neighbor would be 300ft away with a row of trees blocking them :smiley:


lol QFT.

yes but I at least have some class and wont paint my house a flourescent color. I like to live in a nice area.