hey man… what area is your house located?
Bakerian, just wondering, how are the walls downstairs looking? i noticed you have flowers and shit around it… is your basement wet? my neighbor has plants around his house and his basement is wet. we have a slab of concrete around our house and its nice and dry. lil off-topic but whatever :tong
dude that has nothing to do with why the basement is wet, gotta have the foundation setup right so it does not get wet in the basement, if u have proper drainage going on then there wont be any wetness at all in the basement, even if the ground outside is very wet
by wet i mean, the walls are kinda damp… my dad’s got two houses and this is the EXACT reason what was making the walls wet… the dumb tenants put flowers and was watering them and my dad noticed the walls were wet.
you just wanted everyone to know that your dad has two houses
yea bro you caught me.
we live in one, he rents the other.
on a serious note, only reason i said that was because it wasn’t some B/s idea i came up with.
uhhh… why did this get put into another thread?
cuz this is gonna turn into a 14 page travis fail thread sooner or later
Nice crib Ryan!
why the SHIT are we posting pics and talking about Ryans house???
confused, i couldnt be more.
wtf are you talking about? I put in new landscaping two years ago (you know this cause that was the time you stopped by :lol) and watered them like crazy for several weeks. Does that mean that the foundation in the front of my house should have been wet? NO! My land slopes away from me, so obviously water runs away from the house instead of collecting against the foundation. If the land slopes towards your house than you better have an excellent drainage setup or else you are f0ked. Watering flowers is not what is causing the issue.
East Greenbush.
Walls downstairs are dry. I run a dehumidifer all the time though. Sherwood park is known to have wet basements. Mine is dry. House was built by a crazy engineer and is incredibly well built, unlike most new houses. All the walls are plaster/etc.
Thanks dude.
Dunno. Peeps giving props and BSing, it’s what friends do I think.
Btw, we need vbulletin this is some weak sauce.
i was just wondering… because i would like to buy a house within the next couple of years, and something like what you have would be perfect
yea, only problem is taxes can be high. I love my house, I still need to take before and after pics, did a lot of work on modernizing it. It’s in mint shape for 50 years old. Let me know if you need help with the purchase.