Peter Schiff vs Chris Dodd

:carnut I just got this email so it must be fake.

Rest assured, he’ll lose. :slight_smile:

Yep, see ya later Dodd.

Schiff is the man.

Care to place a friendly wager on it?

If anyone watches this video and still votes for Dodd they are brain dead.

I take it that’s a no.
Seriously, Peter Schiff will never become a senator. He was a 1 hit wonder when all of his doom and gloom bullshit came true for a few months.

A one hit wonder? LMAO. Way to try and down play it Joe. Dodd is done.

Then bet me. You obviously don’t believe that strongly if you won’t.

How much?

hmm…if Schiff wins, i’ll never post about politics again. If Schiff loses, you never post about politics again.

That, or, say, $50.

$50 (It will be much easier. lol)

You KNOW Obama has already called the IRS. lol

Schiff will never make it out of the primary. He’s too radical and pessimistic. People don’t vote for the guy preaching economic doom. Not to mention a LESS regulated economy. :io:

Good point. People vote on emotion rather than smarts, we just that in a big way. But the pendelum is going to make a huuuuuuge sweep in the other direction imo. We shall see. :slight_smile:

This coming from a person who probably voted for Bush twice and a Dinosaur and cheerleader last fall.

Was that really the best your side had to offer?

Peter North >>> Peter Schiff

Fixed HAHA

<-- on blues side

I accept cash. :smiley:

See how easy it is, we just need to find canidates that can do simple math and the Dems will forfeit. LMAO.

lol :clap:

Schiff isn’t leading though so you’re wrong too.

Now both of you give me $50.