Petition to Revise Ontario Street Racing Legislation

u cud expect a lot more freedom and human rights in russia or some country that ends in -stan (except us/nato controlled afghanistan) and independent (actually free) countries like venezuela & iran… yes all those socalled evil place. be coz of all those totalitarian (anti?)terrorism laws north american citizens effectively have no rights.

Tolerate this draconian totalitarian street racing law and tolerate the rest that is to follow & u will be FREE of rights liberties and privacy. Isn’t it great to be a slavetizen of north america, terrorised by cops and politicians.

This street racing law is just the tip of the iceberg. chances are most will take it lying down & they will steamroll through a bunch of enthusiasts then move to their next prey. PROTEST – do what the truckers did and also block up downtown. Would be cool & i’m sure lots more motorists would join.

In Australia they have implemented this draconian crap too. It all has to do with the new world order. No don’t take it like a joke, but in a nutshell, all the recent laws in the last almost ten years have been about giving the western and international governments greater control and power over the people of the world in every which manner.

Everyone knows there is a European Union. How many of you knew there was an African Union? How many of you knew gradually an American Union is in the works? That a possible single currency in North America similar to the Euro would come into existence in the not too distant future (thanks to the purposely weakened american dollar and increased Canadina dollar, market economics, etc…) Remember the Canadian PM, Bush and the Mexican president’s meeting? Remember all the g summits?

No matter what you do with your vehicle, whether it is $500 or $500,000 no one should have the right to take your vehicle away and keep it.

Anyone remember those ‘street racing civics’ that got crushed publicly? Those people who had their cars taken away and crushed should sue for millions for damages! Who gives you the fucken right to steal someone’s property just because ‘you are the law’??

Maybe we should ‘steal money back’ from politicians because they tax us and use government money for elusive tip top trips around the world for ‘business purposes’. But no we would go to jail for ‘crimes’.

At the end of the day this is all about making more money and having more control, not for the common good. The common good has become everyone’s bitch. Say or do whatever you want and say it’s for the common good.

The so called ‘free world’ (bullshit), is becoming more safe and secure :rolleyes: welcome to George Orwellian 1984 in real life. Newspeak.

Look at even gas prices. You tell me why should these gas prices go up? George W Bush tried to recently bribe the Saudis to make MORE oil and they said the oil demands are being met there is no need for increase oil production. Oil barrels are being STORED across America in mass quantities, there is NO gas shortage, there is NO ‘insert lame excuse’ to increase gas prices. There’s only greed and control. Food prices going up and so is everything else ‘due to oil’.

Rubbish, pure rubbish. All money, power and control. People are just naive and buy into ‘it was necessary, we are safer now, we are more secure now, it’s good for the future, we’re better off now’ after being brainwashed by politicians and the media.

Have you been watching that bullshit “Zeitgeist”?

Well, the truth finally comes out. CBC reported this morning that only 1 in 3 charges of “Street Racing” are leading to a conviction!!! As many of us have suspected for a long time, this anti-street racing legislation is complete BS!


But what happens to the guys that get off, do they get there money back for the pound and the suspention remove?

Of course not!

Street racing: thousands charged, few convicted
Last Updated: Monday, June 9, 2008 | 11:13 AM ET Comments16Recommend8CBC News
When Ontario passed new street racing laws last fall, they were hailed as the toughest in North America.

The legislation gives police the power to seize cars and licences on the spot if drivers are charged with street racing, or stunt driving.

As of May 20, 2008, police had laid 5,139 street racing or stunt driving charges since the law was enacted on Oct. 1, 2007.

But CBC News has learned that the vast majority of people charged under the new laws are never convicted of the crime.

George Papazov says he’s a perfect example.

Last October, the 23-year-old got stuck in traffic on Toronto’s Don Valley Parkway.

He wasn’t far from his exit, so he crept slowly between the idle cars on his motorcycle. It didn’t take long until he saw the flashing lights of a police cruiser.

“First thing he said is, ‘Your bike is gone for a week,’” said Papazov.

The officer seized Papazov’s motorcycle and licence for seven days right on the side of the road.

Papazov was charged with stunt driving and his bike was towed — at a cost of almost a $1,000.

When Papazov got his day in court, the charges didn’t stand up. Papazov was found guilty of making an illegal lane change and fined $600.

OPP Const. Dave Woodford says what happens in court is not his concern. “My concern is getting those people off the road.”

Simply being charged with stunt driving cost Papazov more than $2,000 in non-refundable towing and legal costs. He said he had to sell his motorcycle to pay the fees.

“Anything can be stunt driving,” said Papazov. “It gives the officer the power, on the spot, to decide if you’re guilty or not.”

More than 5,000 drivers have been charged since the law took effect but according to statistics provided by the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General to CBC News, the conviction rate is only about 33 per cent.

As of April 1, 1,080 street racing cases had gone to trial, with 325 convictions. According to the ministry, 526 cases were reduced to speeding, while 229 were either withdrawn, dismissed or stayed.

Most fines for those convicted ranged from $2,000 to $10,000, but some fines have been as low as $200.

Papazov says that means many drivers, like him, are paying for something for which they’re never convicted.

But OPP Sgt. Cam Woolley says taking vehicles off the road is the entire point of the law.

“Ultimately, we’ve seen an increase in safety and really the best thing about this law is [the] immediate consequences.”

That’s fucking stupid, why should they be given the power to take cars or motorcycles off the road instantly. It’s pretty bad when someone has to sell their mode of transportation to pay off a fine.

The key issue is the fact that they’re paying all these fees and later being found innocent.

Kinda goes against the whole foundation of the Canadian Justice System… We’ve gone from a country that believes everyone is innocent until proven guilty to not caring if you’re guilty or not, and charging you anyway…

Lawmakers don’t care that they’ve turned Ontario into a police state, they just care about all the dollar signs rolling in.

thats because were now living Under Dictatorships or authoritarian . i hope i worded that right?

they don’t really care they just do this to get at all the younger people. its B.S.

signing a Petition doesn’t do nothing at all if you were to present this “petition” to the fools in charge they would probably laugh in your face.
We need to actually do something! because as soon as modified cars are irradicated who knows whats next. they already hassle people that dress “urban like” in malls, like you can’t even wear hoods! in some malls.
its just total b.s we should pay some bums to start some shit wherever these laws are made lol and pay them to stick some ABS hoodscoops on cars parked outside the legistate …or whatever its called

“Ultimately, we’ve seen an increase in safety and really the best thing about this law is [the] immediate consequences.”

Mother fucker. I want to be judge dredd too lil bitches.

Great link, Nigel! I just put my name on that petition, it’s the least we can do to fight back against this wholly unjust, unlawful, and arbitrary harrassment, and frankly robbery. For the naysayers, although I agree there are more effective avenues out there than a petition, it can only help, since it contributes to the public backlash.

Good point about the economic impact, everyone! This type of economic-based legislation that disproportionately burdens the young and the poor has always been in favour with legislators. I’m not going to get into the philosophical foundation of all this; the short of it is that (we) are just the point of least resistance. (We) the young and or poor, don’t have the time, ways, means, and critical mass to effectively combat this sort of thing. Plus, lawmakers individually, and governments in general, are very wary of biting the hand(s) that feeds it.

I’ve studied public policy and usually there is no rationality behind it whatsoever. Policies are usually myopic, knee-jerk “band-aids” that pander to fear, ignorance, and hysteria; impact and effectiveness of policy are nowhere near as important as the perception of it and political expedience. The level-headed, far-sighted, and judicious policy proposals are usually left to rot, since the parties involved can’t be bothered to put in the work, work with each other, or share the credit.

So law enforcement are left to their own devices to play Judge Dredd with these legislation abortions, using profiling to their heart’s content. What’s new/surprising about cavalier police attitude/behaviour? It’s absurd, but nothing really, given how much slack they get, and how little accountability and scrutiny they are under. A lot of cops I come across are young, naive, immature, with a worldview that is narrow at best. Combined that with the dogmatic ideological indoctrination they get, and we get JudgeRoboDreddCop.
I asked my friend (a new cop) to define for me several of the key concepts they use to make decisions from (such as “reasonable”). He couldn’t give me one by-the-book definition, even though he was using them to explain actions he took on the job. Go YRP!

Finally, this really tickled me pink:

I love the circular reasoning this guy has. It say a lot that the opp made this bombastic, blustering loudmouth their spokesperson.