More laws against streetracing. . .

My girlfriend is going to school for law & criminology and she said that the Harper government is trying to enforce even more laws on “streetracing”. So, streetracing is already a felony but what other laws are they going to put into action? Anyone have any info on this?

I googled “Canadian street racing laws” and this was the first thing that popped up. . .:

I realize this headline is an older one but they’re thinking of ways to classify and define streetracing. I don’t think I “streetrace” much, maybe the occasional speeding but I don’t want my car to be taken away because a cop thinks i’m racing.

Part of the reason why I moved to Edmonton was because it has sanctioned events.

Street racing is not a “felony” as there is no such thing in Canada. The change was to make street racing punishable under the Criminal Code. That hasn’t been approved yet and is still a proposal AFAIK. That of course comes with longer sentences. Those are the only changes I know of.

i dont street race alot, but if someone pulls up beside me at a light and wants a quick go then i do it.

i mean its not like i go out on a friday and look for ppl to race. thats gay.

the problem is that all you need is some officer to pull the 2 of you over and suddenly the little sprint from the lights becomes “Street Racing.” I just see a lot of issues…

Notice they continually refer to “teenagers” street racing… anyone who street races in a residential area as the article noted, is just a moron.

There is a time and place for everything…

yeah it’s called a track


i mean its not like i go out on a friday and look for ppl to race. thats gay.[/quote]

Your still racing, its the same shit.

However, I guess that means I street race too. I speed, race, spirited driving or whatever you want to call it. I do it, SOMETIMES. (2-3 AM haha, im a pussy like that)

I am againsted organized street racing, there is no point. Its probably not even fun, most of the cars are shitty that go there.

But I think anymore laws against street racers is going to have effects on all of us. Since we all like cars fuck…
I would cry if it was like socal up here…

Harper wants to change streetracing to a criminal act because he’s trying to pretend he’s doing something. Either way, if the law gets passed, the prosecutor is going to have to deal with a little something called the “onus of proof”. They’re gonna have to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that you were street racing. Which means it’s going to be very hard to prove unless the police officer watched you and the other guy take off.

Personally I think street racing should be on the bottom of the list when it comes to important issues with the criminal justice system but it’s not going to change a whole lot anyway. I just wish politicians weren’t so stupid. I’ll vote Liberal next election, hopefully they’ve gotten the hint because I’m getting tired of this right-wing hack.

B-Wurm :smiley:

:lol: :lol: You’re going to let your future election decision hinge on this one little issue?


and even if the cop sees the 2 of u going at it ..... for one he cant proof anything cause unless he video tapes it.Cause for all i know he might hate 240s cause the other day he got cut off by one while off duty and BAM you have your self a made up charge that will give you a criminal record and we all know how much employers like that… so i dont think that this law will get approved.

This is all propaganda for Harper so that it looks likes he gives a F**K and im sure that all the retarded ppl will swallow it up.

If i ever get caught “street racing” and they tell me that they have to impound my car for good on top of the criminal record im ramming that bitch into a wall then throw the keys at him and say have a nice day u can have it now, ill have another in a year


fcukven1 that is totally true, i was driving down the whitemud one day at like 90-100 km and this guy in a van was cruzing beside me and kept looking at the car(was driving gf’s at the time w/ r34 kit so it looks racy/ricy) with all these weird looks and i was going to give him the finger until he rolls down his window and pulls out this police badge! like wtf he was going just as fast as me haha, so at that point all i did was give up to middle fingers and then speed away. haha not like he can do shit anyways, but yah cops are haters to anyone that drives a sporty/ricy w/e u want to call it car.

HAHAHA, and you wonder why you get stereotyped

i didnt even know he was a cop just some grouchy old guy in a crappy van speeding and i was going to pass but couldnt and he must have not like the vehicle or something and flashed his badge. so i gave him the finger and drove away haha, screw him he was going as fast as me so i wasnt doing anything wrong. hes just a hater! haha(maby he got cutoff by someone in a spec v or somethin, i dunno :slight_smile:

Hrm, not sure in this case but I don’t think cops are supposed to whip out badges like that. . .especially if he’s speeding too. Could go under intimidation. Not really a smart idea on your part as well, but I guess i’d have to actually be in that position to justify your decision.

I’m hoping that things that happen on the streets will stay on the streets. I don’t want to see asshole/hater cops cracking down on people and their cars at race events since I know that there’s a lot of cool cops that go to these events for fun themselves.

I’ve only been into cars for about 6 years now and I’m at an income where I can afford to build a dream car. This is gonna suck for me and for lots of others if they start cooking up retarded and stereotypical laws.

Imagine if they started doing inspections on cars that went to the track to see if they’re 100% road legal. . . . . . . . .

HAHAHAHA speaking of street legal… i bet 90% of u guys with 240’s prob dont even have any cats, or some other shit to make ur car street illegal.

as for the hater cop, yah he prob isnt suppose to, but i figured what was he going to do? call in and say i was speeding and he was driving beside me? haha not like i can get a ticket for giving him the finger for flashing his badge. i never do that btw, he just pissed me off bc i wasnt doing anything wrong.

he was probably off duty with no radio

yup he was with his wife. in a family van

I’m kinda worried about a few cops going commando on tuners and issuing tickets like candy. . .

that’s the way it was up in Yellowknife. . . :anal

do you think that if there were more severe penalties issued/retarded laws put in place that we’d have a say in anything?

haha they would probably ask us but like it makes a difference. speed kills right, and when all the civics with rice cans hit ppl we all get to suffer(because everyone is stereotyped)

Well all that cops are allowed to do is check to see if you are registered and have insurance. They cant legally inspect you at a race event like that in Canada. And also ive actually had a black kit’d s14 240 with tint all around (only other s14 in fort mac). Pull up beside me, race me to the next light and then rolled his window down and gave me a badge and asked me to pull over. My buddy who is currently almost a police officer told the guy/cop to take my plate number down and go to work the next day and try to prove a charge for racing me then asking to pull me over in a car that probably is just as legal as mine lol.