photo geeks, good entry level digital camera?

You don’t need a DSLR to take good pics, anyone that thinks otherwise is just ignorant. It’s the photographer not the camera. A DSLR can make a bad photographer sometimes look good.

Man, I’m digging for “artsy” pics from this camera, but I just didn’t take very many yet. Just a lot of family pics and sailing pics. I guess I better get out there and take some, get back into the hobby…

I took this from in the cockpit, about 19 feet away from the bow…pretty good depth of field for a “point and shoot” huh?

And how about this contrast, not bad, light was all wrong but it turned out ok…

:picard: keep telling yourself you take great pictures

the boat pictures are your only good ones that you’ve posted… The white balance is pretty good, the contrast is pretty good.

and your first picture isn’t that great of a focal depth… if you are 19 feet away… the water was probably about the same… Sure it is a good focal depth for the picture… but if you really wanted to show off what kind of focal depth that camera can do… it would have been blurred and completely undistinguishable.

Also … can you manually focus, adjust aperture, shutter speed, take non-grainy pictures at ISO 400 or greater, actually Zoom, 18-200mm, how does it print out?

What is your problem? Why are you being such a complete asshole? You post this thread was a question about inexpensive cameras with manual controls, all you did was rip the cameras and the pictures, you added nothing but your ignorant and belligerent opinion.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, prints fucking great, asshole. GTFO already, you have no idea the features of the camera you are bashing, and you still bash? The O.P was asking about INEXPENSIVE cameras. I’m done until you’re banned.

. do that with your sd750.

Bitch and moan, I’m not the only one saying your pictures suck.

I actually think Dr Stevil is a decent dude I would prefer he buys a camera that he will be happy with and not have buyers regret becuase he clearly didn’t have a clue that the pictures which he said “are great quality” are actually junk

I agree ILCisDEAD is a complete fucking asshole who just keeps posting to try and piss people off…but sadly he is right this time.

Dr Stevil, is carrying the camera around with you an issue? Of course an SLR is always the better way to go, but if you just want a camera you can throw in your pocket for vacation, an SLR is not going to do that. A lot of SLR owners also have a small P&S for events where they dont want to hassle with a huge camera.

Well after you call me an asshole I hate to admit that this is a solid post too…

Mobility is a big issue too… I see entry level as someone that wants to progress with photographic ability… I just don’t see a point and shoot really giving someone that kind of option…

At 500 or less… to have a DSLR with lens that can transfer to better camera’s pretty far up the chain… its an investment yes for the little bit extra… but a very good one… If you are MILDLY (i use this very lightly) MILDY interested in photography…

And… I do piss people off, i don’t try… I have a knack for awesomeness there. And I’m mildly pissed that you didn’t progress with us after a few training session (this is drunk dan speaking) you probably would have been one of the few solid consultants I have

Advanced point and shoots are a good way to start introducing yourself to manual controls. Will you have as good of quality pictures? no. Will a good advanced point and shoot cost less than $200, certainly not. But it at least lets you start playing around with Aperture, shutter speeds, white balances and things like that. That way you don’t have a huge camera to lug around. It may not fit in your pocket, but it will be alot smaller than a DSLR.

I started on a Canon S3 and everything I learned on that was of great benefit to me when I upgraded to a DSLR. Now I’m considering my 3rd SLR.

These were all taken with an S3…

And these were taken with a 5MP samsung “POS” point and shoot.

youre all really gay. you can probably take some decent shots with a non-slr if you know what youre doing, but the same person behind a better camera, the shot will come out better.

a good driver can get a good laptime out of a miata…put him behind an F430…guess what…faster!

Agreed, but in the OP he clearly states that he doesn’t want to spend that much money. If he is just going to learn, and get his feet wet, he doesn’t need an SLR.

If you want to use vehicle metaphors it would be like buying a 'Busa for a starter bike. Completely unnecessary if you aren’t going to use all of what it can give you.

So to reiterate, advanced point and shoot to learn on. If you find yourself reaching the limits of the camera, then invest in an SLR. No point in spending $600+ on a camera that you may no even end up using.

i had the sony dscf717 from josh…had all the manual settings…not as good as my slr, but was great to learn…was over 1000 new…can be had for like 200 now easily.

I’ve got a D70 with 3 lenses that I would consider selling. Also have all the boxes w/manuals, 3 memory cards, 2 batteries, and a bag. It looks like the body and 18-70 kit lense are going for about $300 on ebay. Everything else would be extra. The two other lenses are a sigma 70-300 4-5.6 and the super wide angle telephoto nikkor 18-200 3.5-5.6 DX VR.

how much do you want for that 18-200?

also, how much for 70-300…PM me


I wouldn’t sell it unless if I get rid of my D70. I would ask $650. It is the US model and also has an extended warranty through SageMax.

Panasonic Lumix with a Leica lens FTW.

So much camera for the $, and fits in your pocket.

For realz. Witness the things you can capture with a Panasonic DMC-TZ5

DSLRs are great, but no video, and they’re bulky.

even my little old Canon A75 takes classy and grainy low light pictures: