Pic of the odd parking arrangement @ my old job

Christmas at Mikes place when we lived together?

For the 3000 of us that aren’t cool…


^thank you.

That’s the guy.

yuuuup, thats the day

ya the chopper guys i assume this is about? i didn tknow they were on nyspeed

I doubt it’s the OCC guys. They have separate shops now. Unless they joined back together again, and it just hasn’t aired yet.

This thread has nothing to do w/ OCC, But the people mentioned in the thread take after the Tuetles, hance the OCC reference.

This thread is Hellen Keller.

OCC fucking sucks.

Soooo … i was just gonna let this thread die, because i didnt want to bash JR to bad … but fuck it. A lil while ago i remembered a moment so epic me and my coworkers talked about it while Jr and Sr where within earshot.

Jr goes to Klien steel to pick up some material
Jr is gone for a god forsaken amount of time
Jr finally returns, cant even be bothered to back the truck into the shop, leaves it outside running and tells me to unload it

I go outside via the overhead door and retrieve two pieces of 10 gauge steel [.140 … thick 1/8 for anyone thats not up to speed] off the GMC, put them inside against the post lift just inside the door.

One piece is 3 foot long, one is 2 foot long, and both are about a foot wide.

I close the overhead door and it jams when its about 3 foot off the ground… essentially it does the “venetian blinds” thing … one side of the door stops and the other side keeps dropping. Fuck… so i go in the office and tell Sr the door jammed.

Jr and Sr both come out and look at it, question me about how it happened, this and that, wind up fixing it by putting some wood under the low side and closing it some more to even it out… so now the door is back to normal using only “company time” … didnt have to HIRE anyone to fix it.

Jr was insistent that i had closed the door on the previously mentioned pieces of steel. At one point he had said “Ill give you one more chance to tell me the truth and dont fucking lie to me this time”

“the door jammed while i was closing it, the steel was against the LIFT the entire time”

Jr spends forever inspecting the steel …a nd spends more time inspecting it … and more…

finally like an hour later Jr AND Sr and both over there looking at both pieces and Jr calls me over. I can hear by his tone of voice that he think he has me beat some how. I come rushing over.

Jr: when i picked these up they wre both perfectly flat!
me: they are sheared sheet, sheared sheet is never perfectly flat
Jr: blah blah blah they were, i looked at them, now this ones bent. motioning towards the SHORTER piece
Me: so your saying I closed the door on them, and hit the SHORTER of the 2 pieces first?

Sr just glares at Jr with this filthy look, and Jr goes from having this cocky expression to what can only be described as a mental short circuit.

Sr looks at me, says “be careful when you close the door” and walks away… Jr didnt talk to me for like 3 days.

to even things out here, heres one of my fuck ups:

A coworker was cutting some C channel, [we had ordered like six 20 footers for the job] made a mistake and because of that wound up being like a 1/4 inch short on the LAST piece. He didnt want to have to go in and say “hey, ya gotta order a new 20 footer so i can get 4 feet out of it because i made a stupid mistake” So instead I went and took care of it. i was feeling bold that day.

walked into the office and said “we got this this and this off that list you gave me, and it turns out that C channel Bob was cutting wasn’t long enough, we need 4” and the drop is 3 3/4, musta been short straight from the mill, we have to order another to complete the order"

Bold face lie just to have fun getting away with it … cause Jr always said he knew when i was lieing.

“oh ok, ill have a new one here tomorrow”

I go back out into the shop and tell Bob “i lied, they bought it, if they ask say we did the math from what you cut and it was a factory short, wasn’t your fault”

Bob: “holy shit, thats so cold, i love it”
Me: bow

I hate working at a place that has so much tension you could cut it with a knife.

FWIW, I love listening to Jr’s side of these stories as well. The difference is that he’s mature enough not to air them out here for no reason.

Do i know Jr? is he on DITB?

He’s registered but not active. He hasn’t been around here in a long time but he has a lot of friends here and someday this will probably backfire on HRK.

Yea, new place im working is totally opposite and its a bit of a shock to the system. If they need 50 of something formed they cut 55 so you have 5 pieces for setup. By the time your forming the actual job your easily holding .005 tolerance to the measurements. Need something from a different department? Take a walk and go get it. In the last 2 months i have yet to have ANYONE stand over my shoulder w/o also being helpful in the process.

Where are you working now?

Good to hear. Hopefully you’ve decided to wear some OSHA-approved boots during this whole time.

Actually yea, Jr’s boots, and Sr’s jacket :slight_smile:

But Jr wasn’t in this STATE for the boots thing, let alone actually be at the shop to have anything other then his fathers side of the story, so what you know about the subject is actually slim to none, bordering on none.

---------- Post added at 05:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 05:09 AM ----------

Another sheet metal shop in the area. 3 laser tables, over a dozen press brakes, 6 strip-its, 30+ pem & rivet machines. 7 Haas mills. Ect Ect. The kind of shop you walk into and say “giggity”

HOTRODKID. its about fucking time Sr. put that thing on the wall. i wish i was still there to have participated in this awesome act. and the incident with the GMC and low oil, PRICELESS. if you remember, he sent me to get the oil, and me and the guy behing the counter at the parts store were both mocking him. haha you know who this is nick. "