Pics of some things I made at work (56K warning)

Just a few pics of things that I have made at work. More times then not I don’t even know what this crap does, they just hand me a blueprint and say make it. Nothing special but enjoy. . . .

hmmm, nice work :gotme: what is it, someone must know!


good work…looks kinda like some sort of industrial heating duct on steroids mayb?

very cool… it’s not for dresser rand is it?

Nice work, is it $tainle$$ $teel?

What company?

by the looks of it it looks like it could be used for compressed gas edit: or somekind of gas/liquid storage (judging by the flanges lol)

Yes- three of the pictures are of SS jobs. Our shop bought so much material, the metal suppliers gave us a box of dunkin dognuts. . .not bad for spending damn near 100K. :lol:

lol nice :tup:

i think thats a big stash for weed

honda fart cannon?

hahaha quite possibly…

what company do u work for?

You guys don’t know what you’re talking about. Trust the degreed mechanical engineer on this one. It’s definitely a space ship.

looks like some sort of hull or bulkhead?

Both are acceptable answers.


u guys are all wrong, its an industrial potato peeler.

looks like it rated for at least 500 lbs at a time

nice work.


No- all MIG on these.

it’s a time machine…dumbasses