turbo manifold tubs? where to get them?


Basicly looking for that type of tube but local to make a manifold. Anyideas? I looked on the interweb but could not find much.

Well when i make mine, I am most likey going to use exhaust piping.

LOL holy shit dude, just go to a plumbing store and get scedule 40 weld els,

u probably wont be able to get exhaust pipe thick enough or in a tight enough radius to make a manifold, but weld els will work well its what alot of people use, emco sells them and i know there is one up in that area

what type of welder would weld that stuff? I guess becasue its pritty thick i could arc it and i wont burn it. mig also… hum on thanks il probably try that. i could probably make like 10 mani’s for the cost of just buing a good one hehe and its funner.


I found this place il cheack it out next week.

that stuff from nobel trade is all coated… if you weld without getting it all off, be prepared to be heaving up your brekfast for the next few hrs after you’ve enhaled some of it.

you can get stainless sced 20 weld els in a 2" format you’r looking at a 1/8"+ wall thickness… in 316!! unless your planning on running this hard all day at a track without too many breaks then that is WAY more then enough. for 99% of whatever your going to throw at it. just rember that like all headers you ned to support the turbo , a bracket from below to support the weight of the turbo is the best way to keep any header from cracking… I’ll be doing one in inconel shortly and even it requires support.

Are you wanting to build a tubular manifold or a long manifold?

Don’t bother with CISCO since I asked and they didn’t have it. And
as mentioned, try plumbing/hydraulic shop.

You know these are gonna be butt load heavy. Have you considered
using SS elbows? Only problem is a 90-deg elbow is like $30 each :shock:

Here’s one of my favorite writeups with pics on how to build one:

Good luck,

I want to try make a equal length tubular manifold.
BAS: “you can get stainless sced 20 weld els in a 2” format you’r looking at a 1/8"+ wall thickness"
Were would I get this form with out a coating on it? Were are you going to get yours form? This stuff has to be out there and local just havnt really looked yet.

any machine shop can order you up stainless cas sched 20 elbows in 90 or 45 deg. they come in 316 as a standard order and can be gotten in some sizes in 304… I can get you some proper .065"-.083" wall 1.5 & 2" 304L stainless mandrel bends from Switzerland in long and short leg format for ~ $45 per.

There are lots of options, burns stainless in the US will have them and allot more as well.

Anyway you look at it, your going to spend money, if $30 a bend freaks you out , like it apparently does some people, then your best not to try this with stainless, go to a muffler shop get some 1.5/1.75" mild steel U-J bends and work with that. you still need flanges don’t forget.


$9.22 USD Each

0.109" Wall



$12.53 USD Each

0.154" Wall

I posted something similar not too long ago about where to buy such pieces.

Infact, here’s what I posted (includes a pic):

What about local shops you know particularily that sells them?

I posted something similar not too long ago about where to buy such pieces.

Infact, here’s what I posted (includes a pic):

What about local shops you know particularily that sells them?[/quote]

I order all my materials directly from mcmaster. I haven’t found a local shop that carries them in stock.

If you have to order them from a local shop, you’re just asking for a markup.

What’s with this woody for ’ local shops’ ?? the parts are easily attainable plain and simple, if your not happy with the many many many options and chioces thrown your way then go do the leg work yourself.

I posted something similar not too long ago about where to buy such pieces.

Infact, here’s what I posted (includes a pic):

What about local shops you know particularily that sells them?[/quote]

Dude, don’t be a prick.

You think I (as do others) want to spend time trying to figure out
where I can get this specific piece, when someone who has already done
the work knows where to get it?

Hell if I wanted to know where to get “metal tubes” I could ask a 10yr old
who would easily tell me “Plumbing store” :roll:

I went to Home Depot, CISCO, Princess Auto, and none of them have this
specific piece. I could just as well spend my time digging through the
yellow pages, calling number after number until I find someone. And
not every shop has helpful enough people who might know exactly what
you want over the phone.

If I ever acquire info. that can be easily helpful to others, I will be glad
to share, rather then be a prick like you and be like “…go do the work yourself…”

but thats why he’s Ian, and was banned.

he had to register a new username to get back on the forum for being a know-it-all prick.

baka! the work is already done, and a dozen places to get the stuff are all ready listed here in this topic… ( didn’t I just say that las post?? why yes I did ).

Your saying that you someone can’t get the parts form any of the sources listed? That’s either truly lazy or truly scary.

lucky… GTFOMP, useless twat.

The best thing any one can do is go and talk with the people wo run the shops… Its a small world and everyone knows everyone else so some one is bound to be helpful. And all it will cost you is a bit of time and polliteness.

Just avoid BAS, I don’t know him but he doesn’t seem friendly… So who cares if he’s good or not at what he does.

quite the mouthpiece on you. dont talk shit
why dont yah shut up comic book boy.
get out of this forum homo.

i can count all your friends on here with 1 hand. :oops:

go fabricate something mr. know it all prick :wink:

and id definately have to agree with RS240.
you have great marketing skills towards your business talking shit on a car forum. Im sure people on here are just dying to do business with a rude boy likre yourself.
you make yourself look like a complete tool.

get a lifeeee buddy

Aight, ok ok, let’s not give Mr. BAS too much attention here now.

Let’s continue on with some civilized discussion on this topic.

Or I may as well shut it down!

Justin, let me know what you find at that place. I might go by there one
day since it’s near my area.

Well my customer base keeps growing and the level of work value keeps rising. I beleive I’ve skimmed the top shelf from here as customers… SO I’m not too worried about you two… or your friends… THier are not allot of people who can handle the cost and/or the time/refining that goes on with one off parts.

brandon, speaking of ’ mouth pc.’ I’d dearly love to see you could actually talk like that to my face… I think Mike has given you a very false impression of me and my ‘personal traits’… Given that I plan to be at the west D meets this year… I’m sure you’ll get the chance… ja naa.

anyway I’m done with this topic.