Pics of the raSEcaR

all show, no go :roll2:

the eBay pic
there use to be a sunroof there

Slowly, but surely…Being built for SCCA Improved Touring ‘A’. Which also meets the requirments for NASA’s SE-R cup SR class (like Honda Challenge H3 ~ H4 range) and Solo II DSP.

What is it all about, these videos of another SE-R sum it up more than anything.

the gallery, newest at bottom…

Specifics on the rules can be found here…

hotTtness :tup:

coolenss… hope to see it tearing up the trak…

Looking good, and I like the flexibility of the setup for both track and Solo… :tup:


SER’s suck :tspry:

it looks like your making good progress, now go take her to the track!


thats sweet. for a nissan. is it a showroom stock classification or are mods permitted?

Yeah they do.

Like I said all show, no go. It won’t be ready for at least a month. It needs a cage (Lee @ Hybrid), fire system (bottle minimum), bushings to be finished up, a real seat, harness, $uspension, tires (3 sets), brakes ($400 for just 1 set of pads, should get 2), I need another helmet, shoes, R3 head and neck restraint.

And that is off the top of my head. ~$4k

Oh yeah a real trailor.

Very minor mods, kinda like STS for auto-X. read the pdf on rules I posted for more specific info.…ingCategory.pdf



Hot Diggety! Time for a moonshine run :slight_smile:

If its all show and no go… I gotta call :bsflag:

Seriously though, that looks really good. And knowing you, the car will run great when its finished. Good luck with it!

Actually, I call :bsflag: on keeping the car clean… :lol:

jeremy owning a clean car does seem impossible… at the moment the car really is all show and no go. we will see once all the suspension comes in.

Nice :tup:

You should see the layer of dust that was built up on it. It just didn’t show up in the pics.

I remember a time that the only thing I would buy from the autoparts store was car wash soap, Mother’s chrome wheel cleaner, and new car smell stuff. Damn I really miss thoose days.

Hmm, so does this mean you abandoning the build for a turnkey track-ready setup?