yes they are… try not to listen to people when they tell you its only knock-offs here… they just dont know any better.
How much will the braces be going for?
S13 = $250
S14 = $230
shipping not included… imho they are packaged very inefficiently from Nismo which adds to the cost before i get it… they come in this huge box all by themselves because of the size.
how do they compare to the Kazama one, kazama’s dont have those braces, just a thick ass bar.?
what kazama piece are you talking about
Im pretty sure Kazama makes a “power brace” as well, but does not have the boxed-in tension rod brackets, soley a bar connecting the two brackets significantly thicker then the nismo one iirc.
I would imagine that the nismo brace would be more effective as the wider bar im sure dose not improve ridigity at all in comparason to the smaller nismo bar and the boxed in brackets cancel all or most flex within the bracket its self which the Kazama brace lacks.
[Borat] Very nice! [Borat]
love those aluminum over flow tanks, i’ve seen them going for as little a $90 (US) how much you selling that for bing?
the kazama, cusco, stlye adjustable TC bracket brace is useless.
i have a genuine cusco on my car and i didnt notice even the slightest difference. you can now get the same style brace from all the unbraded guys… i could sell you one for like $75 i am sure… maybe less, but i dont bring them up because i dont think they are worth it
just tossing this pic here for future reference… they’re on sale right now at CT… go stock up for the season… you could build a whole existance out of these things
you should have a competition to see who can ziptie the most structural elements of a 240 together
iono about you guys, but i think this picture is pretty frikkin radical…
i call it… butt-tons-o-link
holy… haha
The winner gets a free bag of zip-ties.
damnit bing, you’re scratching up the finish
so lol how much for the zipties i actually needed some.
for reference regarding all of the swaybar thickness/hollow-or-not discussion.
the thickness isn’t all that matters. in fact, it doesn’t mean anything at all.
they are made of different materials/alloys/composites whatever you want to call them and THAT is what determines the overall hardness over anything. don’t go by the thickness, it’s like judging the quality of a digital camera by it’s Megapixel rating - it has ZERO to do with the quality of the photo.
know what I’m sayin?
also, bing your crapton-o-links or whatever the hell you said… that’s an amazing picture
and those tanabe coils are pure sex.
Please do not send me your Turbos for warranty packaged like this:
you know who you are buddy… no need for me to out you.
^^ haha i think red green over there had a bit to much fun.
So i was at dunnville today… Keep in mind i had my tires turned (side to side) so that i could use up the insides.
But apparently i was heating them up too much and the camber-worn outter tire got the worst of it:
I really dont think that is supposed to happen.
they wouldnt let me back on for some reason… strange