Batavia airport. Looked pretty empty last time I was there.
I’ve flown out of Lancaster before, I live next to Akron though.
Perhaps if you’re so baller, maybe you can bring an Edge to the hangers or if you’re on a budget maybe a MX-2?
I could use some better eye candy around here. Don’t go for any of those foreign jobbers, stay with American <3
Actually, I thought MX-2s were a bit cheaper than they really are. I thought they were more around the 350k range. o.O Didn’t realize they were 400+… Might as well just get a 540 then.
Not really a good way to look at it.
$7000 in 1960 has the same buying power as $54,000 today. So the plane has depreciated over half from when it was new
Not to mention certs, insurance, storage, maintenance, etc.
Renting sometimes is cheaper. You could charter it or lease it out though.
If it flies, floats, or fucks…
should have bought this
and if you ever need a maint guy … one of my coworkers is fully licensed …
Regardless if it’s financially better to rent or own, I’m going to buy an airplane. It’s just how I am I guess.
I appreciate all the advice guys.
Among other things…
Fuck insurance for jumpers. I’m gonna bandit out of that thing with a base rig and no reserve.
I have my commercial helicopter license from Australia.
I’m currently in the middle of my Canadian CPL(h) conversion
Flying is awesome.
I’ve said this sooooo many times.
Buy this and be done with it.
True to my word, I put a deposit on an airplane today.
Gonna have my A&P buddy check it out, then it’s off to the skies.
Nice! :tup:
Are you gonna bring this to the meets / shows? I think you could put it down at Elegance Builders Drop A Load In My Eye Raceway. (EBDALIMER)
Very cool, I have a few hours in a 150. They’re awesome little planes, especially for training.
How the hell am I supposed to jump outta that?
haha very carefully.