Pinks on Speed TV question

I was watching pinks between periods and I came up with this question…
Anyone know what the real deal is. THis guy just lost a very very expensive drag car, and he wasn’t crying. Anyone know what the real payout is, if the person really loses their car. If I lost my $200,000+ race car I’d cry quite a bit, no matter how much of a man I was… Kuz when I got home I’d not be a man, because if I ahd a wife or gf… my testicles would dbe gone.

i kno in the one with the civic and the TA, the guy with the TA sold the civic guy his car back for an undisclosed ammount of money. other than that, i dunno

Im sure both teams get a good amount for showing up. kinda like the peoples court, usually the show offers to pay both parties if they show up and ar their dirty laundry for the world.

I know it’s gotta be a deal like that I just wonder what the deal is…

I think that show is full of sh!t, that or there shell shocked being on TV. :gotme:

I wouldn’t race any car I had over 3k for pinks unless I was crazy rich and could go out and buy it again.

if you have $200,000+ to throw into a fuckin hobby, i think you have lots and lots and lots of other money laying around too… :gotme:

plus, with the ratings that stupid show gets from people like us, dont you think some of it (by “it” i mean the money the show brings in) goes to the people that are asked to make the show interesting…the drivers?

its a tv show, so obviously they can cut out what ever they want to, even if everyone who lost cried, the could just wait for the guy to wipe his pussy and step back up like a man

so what if they have to wait 2 hours for him to quite sobbing … as long as they can get a shot of him agreeing that he lost like a man

i guess that the honda kid that ran against the trans am took a while to regain his composure, but he was obviously a bitch, im sure the more manly racer types could take it better… especialy if they have hit the wall a few times in life

loosing ownership of your vehical isnt much different from plowing into the wall at 150mph and bursting into flames …

:lol: The race scene in places other than buffalo is pretty hardcore and a lot of the fast street domestics you see have prolly been built and paid for many times over w/ money races…most of the people on the show know what they’re doing…

Buffalo has very fast cars also… but they don’t come on NYspeed or UBRF so I guess they don’t matter

Just… like… you.

you left out the part about the big $$$ races.

yeah, but not nearly the ammount that places where it’s race season 365 days out of the year have.