pissed off neighbor.. video..

i have a feeling this wasn’t the first time your brother has done this.

go fawk his wife

ya respect your neighbor’s, i used to drive kinda fast through my neighborhood. and everyone would just stare at me, now i just drive slow and they seem to be happier. don’t piss people off, but the message was pretty funny.

some people man…i bet hes the guy who would live by the airport and go tell the planes to keep it down at night…

haha thats nothin

last night i was cutting piping and welding with my garage door open till 2am

my exhuast is deep as fuck my dad can hear me pull up to the driveway when hes in teh basement

2am… what is that in U.S. time?

2am is metric

chill the fuck out jesus…

it was my brother friend who turned it up, and it was as they were leaving. know ur facts b4 u jump on it and call everyone fags



I didn’t know I called you a fag. Leave the drama to your photography buddy. I don’t give a shit who it is. THATS FUCKING GAY. OOOOOHHHH look at me… my trunk rattles louder than my set of 12s and I’m cruising through a densly populated neighborhood with the music so loud it is uncomfortable. No, louder than that, so loud that it makes pedestrians and fellow motorists uncomfortable. Making conversations impossible inside a neighboring vehicle, and REALLY FUCKING HARD FOR AMBULANCES AND FIRETRUCKS AND POLICE TO MAKE THEIR WAY THROUGH TRAFFIC CAUSE NO ONE WITHIN 100 FEET OF THE FAG IN THE BASS BOX CAN HEAR A FUCKING THING.

Work 3rd shift and see how you like someone pulling into a driveway 10 feet from your bedroom window with their music up. For some people 6pm is worse than 6am…

My post had nothing to do with you, obviously. I never said Micah, I didn’t quote you, I didn’t even reference this particular occurance of immature noise pollution.

Fuck you.

jack is on a streak of rage.

not rage as much as common sense.

Micah would much rather assult me, than the 10 other people who agree with me in every thread. I’m not a bandwagon whore, and I’m sorry for that.

this is my favorite post this week

u need a drink or a girlfriend, one of the two

i agree with micah.
but you need both.

get drunk and punch your girlfriend. it’ll cure what aile’s yah.

everyone should get drunk… woooohooooooo!!!1111111111

newman, you’re A-W-E-S-O-M-E

i think i should drink, then punch YOUr girlfriend

How about -
Micah - Get off my nutts.
Newman - I didn’t tell you you could talk. STFU.

how about -
Jack - take the stick out of your ass and clean the sand out of your fucking vag.

holy shit…relax

Skunk… quit your bitching.

“Micah” dug this thread up from the dead 2 days after I said anything negative towards any of the fags that crank up the beats to impress people with their inability to hear at low volumes.

This is only in retaliation to my bashing all fairys and pinkies, and panzies. Obviously he was offended in a thread where he was highly outnumbered and decided to take his personal disliking of me to “his” thread in hopes of getting some bandwagon bashing going on in here, where the numbers may be in his favor. A personal attack.

Unfortunately this is not the case. “Micah”, and his childish antics are again frowned upon by the majority. Most people on this forum would agree, blasting a stereo in a quiet neighborhood is a very iresponsible, and immature thing to do. Though “Micah” is not the person who did the pounding of the ghetto blaster, he took it upon himself to post a video of a answering machine message where the guy on the recording was completely in the right. Some “loser kids” (very well put) were acting irresponsibly and causing problems in the neighborhood. This is obviously not the first time, due to previous postings by “Micah”. I only stated my opinions, which were preceeded and followed by other opinions that had the same view on the situation. Though stated less harshly… because I’m a harsh person, they said the same thing - ITS FUCKING RETARDED TO DO SHIT LIKE THIS.

But “Micah” did not say anything to Butch… or Jon (just 2 examples) for saying the same thing I did. It was a dumb thing to do. “Micah” will just bitch and complain about me, and how I am an evil person. “Micah” can blow me. He doesn’t know me, I’ve “seen” him once, and found him and his appearance to be comical, but he doesn’t know me. He knows very little about me. What he knows now, after a few days on the internet - I hate thugs who blast shitty music for all to hear. I hate pink shirts and the like due to the increasing demand for shitty clothing and the extinction of clothing that fits, and appears to be un-used and brand new.

Its the fucking internet. Grow some balls in the real world then come talk to me.

FYI - I don’t drive a del sol, i don’t wear pink, I don’t highlight/spike my hair, I don’t wear worn and tathered jeans unless they appear that way due to abuse from me, not Ambercrombie. I have a fiance. My sex life is very successful. I also have a life off of the internet. Now some of you know me better. Now you can hate me for what I believe in.
