Pissed off rant thread

Ok, so I am gonna bitch for a moment here. I won’t mention names or places, just the situation. I had some welding done, specifically a BOV flange to an intercooler. I was pleased with the quality of the weld, i was not pleased with the fucking aluminum shavings inside my goddamn intecooler because someone didn’t bother to shove something in the pipe to catch them when they were cutting the hole! Thats all, my rant is over.


not fucking cool

:tdown: thats fucking gay…if you are going to do something, especially a service trade…do it right.

why wont you mention names or places? If you paid for it, and they wont give you at least a partial refund, or fix their mistake then it is fine to call them on it.

poop :tdown:



Curious as to where. I know that there’s some local shops that are darlings of the “Internet car community”. Are you worried that you will get flamed for saying something bad about one of them? Reputations on the 'net are odd. A few vocal people can ruin a reputation and somehow, the opposite can occur as well with a myth that “so and so” can do no wrong becoming an article of faith.

whats did thay say about your disatation?

Have you talked to them about your dissatisfaction

matters are being discussed and taken care of.

sorry to hear about that eric that sucks man i would be pissed… hope everything works out