it was that or a ring for her birthday you guys act like you never buy anyone anything :rolleyes:
I would have bought the ring…
Hey I have a lava lamp that I’ll let go for $275.
I would like the bean bag chair more than a ring…
but on topic- I went to the mills when it first opened- and didnt find one store to shop in. Seemed to me most of the sotres were geared towards little rich 14 year olds… if there is a such thing.
Then I gave it the benefit of the doubt and went a second time… still seemed stupid and a waste of a good evening!
that’s what she said too, she wanted both i said let me know which one you want for your b-day and she said she wanted one of those.
times like this make me so happy I dont have a girlfriend.
$500 for a bean bag chair??? remind me to bitchslap you next time I see you…
put a little more into it for me.
and me, just because I like jumping on bandwagons.
bandwagons = teh suck
but the boyfriends are cool though right? :love:
yeah put some of darkstars lost weight into it for me also on kurts bitchslap.
Ive been there twice with my GF. First time we went, was just to check it out and see what it was like. Second was just to go agian b/c it was somthing different. In any event both trips to the mall were lame, my GF bought some things in the big department stores, and we ate at the lucky strike lanes (food was decent for a bowling alley)
The mall itself is a pain in the ass. If you want to get to store X you have to most likly walk ALL THE WAY AROUND the damn mall to get to it (not like in most malls where you just go to the second floor or something)
And the people in those Kiosks are fucking annoying, you feel like your walking threw a maze of telemarketers or something.
When i worked at A&F in the waterfront, i was told that A&F wanted to put a store in that mall, but they wouldnt give them the size store front they wanted so they never put in an A&F there.
but maybe when whatever company buys it, they will make it a better mall.
I honestly like the mall.
Went up there a few months back, Think I walked in like 4 stores. Was nice and all but nothing was really up there worth while.
Marge and I went into the beanbag chair store. The covers were lik3 50 bucks, after I heard the price of one of the couches I laughed and said I could buy a cover and go get a bunch of pillows to stuff it with for about 300 cheaper.
Cowher > your life
i forgot to mention how much the food court sucks. Theres some cheap ass mom and pop asian food stands and a subway. Theres only three ok places to eat, holihanes, lucky strike, and the 50s dinner, other then that everything else sucks.
I wouldnt eat at the chinese places. I was there when a women found worms in her famous walk fried rice. She screamed real loud and everyone just stopped. It was on a saturday a couple of months ago. I havent ate there since.
Men rating malls :greddy2: :wtf: