Pittsburgh Parts A Rama june 19th-21st

I realize that most of this forum either owns imports or f-buckets, but there are a handfull of Classic car guys here.I’ll be there Saturday lookin for nova parts annyone else goin?

We’ll be there although the parts selections have been getting pretty weak the last few years…

il be there

X2, its turning more into a big yard sale.

But, I’ll probably stop by one day.

10-4 SO WILL I

i will be at PINKS!


I’ll be in pinks and then have some videos to return.

anyone know where I can get oil for my chainsaw?

I’m going Sunday gotta work Friday and Saturday. Got compted tickets for a flyer at work. I really is turning into aflea market thing.

Probably go up for Sunday.

where is pinks being filmed

yeah i think sunday will be when i go…

wow… me and xfrankx went today, and i never experienced anything like that place in my life. i believe someone referred to that place as a huge yard sale, well that was exactly it, only selling straight junk, not parts. they had a bass competition, that wasnt even to see who can get the highest DB, it was a bass race basically as the announcer put it. They had to race to 129.9 db’s the fastest, then they had a comp to see who can get the closest to being right on 129.9 db’s which was super gay. there car show there consisted of straight junk, and at that, they had it on the muddy ass horse track so everything that was already garbage, was then garbage and filthy. and to top everything off, they had a bikini contest, that included a 400 lb woman. i took pictures with my phone so bare with the quality, but i had 2 take pictures of this woman, as well as the cars…












once again, sorry for the quality, the ones of the whale were takin with my phone and i was like 50 yds away so i zoomed in as much as possible…

Thank you for the pictures.

I am sorry for what you had to endure…It looks like it was painful…
I now know that I’m not missing anything, and my gosh I can’t believe people still do that to their cars. Sad.

I should of entered the contest


Thanks for the confirmation that I missed nothing by not going!

Hope your eyes feel better

You missed some good Bass raceing here is the video of my winning run.

[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Us5AA2m5zg8”]YouTube - Bass Race 4[/ame]

you drive an aztek?


That is the dumbest, most useless thing I have ever seen done with an automobile. WTF is the point of that?

I have more respoect for the owners of the 2 riced out vettes in another thread.

I hope shaggy found the oil for his chainsaw and plays you some Phil Collins.
