I have tried, but as dumb as this sounds…its true. She has whats called SADD…its some kind of seasonal depression. She was on meds for panic attacks, which got so bad she wouldnt leave the house. It happened every winter. She hasnt had one since she moved to Texas. Her moving back here is out of the question…she actually tried about 3 years ago, it was right after Thanksgiving. She started over with the panic attacks within 4 days. I always thought they were in your head, until I recently had a few.
I think my biggest problem/fear is starting over and just leaving everything I know. I hate when its 20 degrees, but I also hate when its 110 degrees.
I have visted there I think every year since she moved. I like it there alot, I know my way around for the most part, but I always couldnt wait to come home. Then again, bc my day to day routine was here. Ugh.
Thanks everyone for your input and thoughts. They really help!!!