Pittspeed, tail of the dragon.

No Buddy only went off road once, and it was forwards…

It can get crowded esp on the weekends. That is why I go down a few days earlier to get some good runs in before the weekend. The “cruisers” make it slooooooooow. The cops aren’t bad if you aren’t a dumbass. Don’t race on the dragon, it’s just not safe. BUT if you end up wrecking or going off the road, you will get a ticket if they show up. That black Z got a ticket for crossing the double yellow.

There was a group from Alabama, 9 cars in a caravan, that got stopped. They were at a stop sign and didn’t quite know which way to go. One Z pulled up to the lead Z and pointed in which direction they were to go. Cop saw it and thought they were about to street race so he pulled all of them over. NO tickets tho…

One chick totalled her 300ZXTT on the North Carolina side, and they took her down to the station in handcuffs and gave her a blood test, to see if she was on drugs or drinking…:nuts:

They are really there to make it safe and make sure the hot doggers don’t hot dog too much…

First pic of the rolled Z is the one that the son took the Z and wrecked it. Black Z is my friend Buddy who goosed it in the turn and ended up down the hill…He learned his lesson.

You just have to be safe, be aware, and know your limits AND your vehicles limits… I was on the dragon/hellbender virtually no one on the road but us, riding with my friend Brian, and I saw 94 mph on the speedo, but he’s a freaking amazing driver with a huge amount of performance/suspension/brake mods. I would never go that fast with what I have and the level of driving that I am comfortable with.

Here is an example of not knowing your limits…some guy caught this biker on vid, biker passes him, then loses it :owned: