Who here is a pizza dilvery person. i used to be when i was 16-17. worked at Pizza hut, Lucia’s, and daurizio’s
i only miss it for the tips, i used to make ALOT in tips at Daurizios, i used to cater to weddings and stuff, $400+ orders stuffed in my car, and make like 50-80 bucks a trip.my average per week in tips alone was 350, then $6/hr, abuot 25 hours a week.
think i might get a beater nissan or something and do it again… Would like to work for pizz gram, there food is really good. plus i know the guilderland/altamont/berne, area very well from working in guilderland.
It definately could be or maybe they do put salt on it? I’ve had it for years so maybe I didn’t notice? They do make their own sauce though. It was my favorite for years but the stuff down here destroys it.