pjb,s e/bay build up

bad pcm ,shorted sensor the list can go on and on .id just try a tune first ya need it anyway ,then go from therer

Probably next spring then.
Nobody around here tunes these shit boxes either.

mail order ???

My credit card is just about maxed out.
Id rather catch up on bills than keep fucking around with a car I dont drive and making more bills at this point.


Pete enough of the bullshit. No other cars.

i dont blame ya ,put it away for the winter save some loot then get it right in spring

how about a 92 mustang with an ice cream paintjob?

Thats what Im thinking of doing if we cant get it right. He’s gonna try taking it to a friend’s shop tomorrow and see if he can get some help but isnt promising anything.

He wants to figure it out as bad as I do.

are the rims big [what?]
does it ride good [good?]

just relax with it just push your painted mustang around and make exh noises for now ,what is good about that intense burnouts and no breakin the real car

oh and off topic paul how did adam brake your moms cock?

Pushing it sucks.

Adam opened the window onto it. Broke it in half.

lolololol ,just push it down hill let gravity work

did ya kick adam in the cock

Right off a cliff.

No, I didnt kick his drunk ass in the cock.

but he broke your moms cock

Well my mom can take care of that issue on her own.

you let him brake her cock ,what a bad son you are

+1 :Idiots

Easily the best recent post. I can tune a carb to run better than it’s ever going to run fuel injected.

peanut butters is scared. i dont see why not run a carb, tons and tons of fast cars run carbs. paulys notch runs a carb, and it runs awesome… pb&j needs to stop paying idiots to work on his car and do it himself, or use his resources here.