PJB wants some hot waitresses

Ive seen girls do some interesting things with bananas on the internet

We wanted to get you laid last night… but it just never panned out.

such is life. Id rather just get drunk anyway

haha cmon paul… you wanted those waitresses.

there were definitely some hot ones there. Bartenders were smoking.

Holy fuck… i have a perfect idea. If we had john ridicule the bartender with the lisp, you could have went up and played the nice guy. Then fucked her.

dude I was so drunk I was lucky to find my dick when I had to piss.

I didnt notice a lisp but I only ordered one beer at the bar that took me 20 minutes to get.

dude a good amount of those waitresses are hot, i asked the manager if he knew if anyone of them would be interested to fornicate with you for a given amount of cash and he was actually down with the idea :rofl

Slap your dick on the bar. Instant service. Guaranteed


youre fucking awesome. I cant believe you asked that.

and this is why you should have kissed singh

but I dont want penis, even if it is curry flavored

i never said to kiss his dick

well no but weird shit happens

haha me either, but i did haha. then one of the hot ones came to him to ask for something or whatever and i was like “HOW ABOUT THAT ONE !” mad loud haaha

:rofl :rofl Shit was outa control dude. Horny jellies ITT.

Dave youre hilarious