PJB's Therapy Thread


And I dont want a cdl job either.

Youre not getting a new job, PJB. Why?

Because its your BIRTHDAY!!! :excited


So you’re not able to get another job because of your job now?

PJB is probably Barack Obama.
He’s probably just fucking with everyone of us behind his computer screen.
Ducks in pools, Mustangs with flat tires, immortality through lack of health insurance, F-1fittyz, Arm Bands, its all one huge head game.

I know. I shouldve quoted both posts I was replying to

Ive just been too busy to apply anywhere because of working

That is by far the most pathetic excuse I’ve ever heard.

Even working 80 hour weeks I’ve found time to do other necessary things.

Many/most jobs take less time than doing 5 posts on shift as you can do them online or even mail it.

How many hours have you spent at the gym? How much time here posting random shit?


This is unreal

You are the most pathetic excuse of a person! Stop making up lame excuses that your working crazy hours at your dead end job and stop hanging around creeping at the park in your free time and apply for jobs! If you have time to kill and reply to people on here, you have time to apply for jobs.

Applying for jobs>bogus overtraining routine/shift

You guys get mad but Paul is destined to be miserable for ever. I wish Adam would chime in on this thread

PJB I used to feel bad for you, now I realize you are just helpless and refuse to make an effort to better yourself because you obviously just dont care and rather complain about your life.

“I am pissed off to the highest pisstivity”

Paul you seem like a decent guy, but damn man it’s time to get off your figurative ass and make something happen for yourself. Why don’t you apply on line to CSX. I have several friends that have gone to work for the railroad and the work place structure seems like it would suit you very well. Oh and btw that is the career field KBB is in. It would be a great place for you to work (pay close to 40k starting for most jobs, OT available and crazy benefits). Plus you literally have no reason to not apply just go to CSX.com and go to careers and filter out till you get to the ones in selkirk and apply to them all and wait for an e-mail.

he wont

u could hand him a uniform and a letter that says he got the job and he wouldnt show up.

Paul is one of those guys who will just bitch and moan but never do a thing to change his life