PJB's Therapy Thread

I tried-being at home every night is on his long list of bogus requirements.

He won’t but


You need to spread reputation…

Wait who doesn’t strive to go home to their parents attic every night:facepalm

Usually an hour to two hours at the gym per day and I just post on here right before work or at the end of the day.

cut the gym time down to an hour, then go hunt for jobs after, post on shift b4 work, go to said work, post on shift after work…AND while u are visiting the interweb, APPLY FOR JOBS ONLINEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

there is time paul. dont tell me there isnt…i know its there, i can see it standing right behind you

I dont get home from the gym until after 8 or 9 at night most of the time and I go right after work.

Ive looked for jobs online but havent really seen one Ive wanted to apply for yet.

What was wrong with the one I linked to?

nothing really but Im kinda thinking I dont want to work for a small business again. Ive worked for a few so far and they always seem to fuck me over somehow.

Fucking Christ.

Kill yourself and stop wasting oxygen.


Small business is actually where I’d RATHER work. You’re dumb Paul. I’m sorry.

I work in an office with 650 people. I manage 700 PC’s. I’d LOVE to go work for one with 100 or so and do the IT work with just one other person instead of having 100 IT people (mostly programmers).


100 people isnt a small business.

Im talking 20 or less people where the boss is the owner. Ive worked in a few places like that and money always seems to be an issue and they dont take care of employees as well as bigger businesses.

100 is TINY compared to me. Give me an office with 100 people and I will manage that crap.

Either way, you have some unrealistic expectations and until you make yourself go outside of your comfort zone, you will be PERMANENTLY stuck in the same rut. FOR EVER.


happy birthday paul, i had no idea it was coming so quickly or i woulda mailed you a birthday card

When is this guys actual birthday? :rofl

Pretty sure its june 24th


Shit, ill take a new full time job.

-i will/like to travel.
-i dont need to be home every night.
-i will start low and work my way up.
-i will work late or odd hours.
-i can and will do physical labor.
-i can provide my own transportation.
-i am not the sharpest tool in the shed but, i do learn quick and strive for being the best employee i can.
-i will do my best.
