I have a virus that they just figured out, took them almost 2 months…
Thats why you get to know people. Social Networking, not fucking facebook and shit… go out and do something with someone every chance you get. You are a solid dude, and very easy to get along with. The more people you rub the right way the odds increase that someone will say “Hey I work at so and so, and we are looking for something I think you might be interested in”.
Experience and knowledge is bullshit, it all boils down to the people on either side of the table. If the HR person is a chode and wants a cookie cutter 1.5year turn around employee or worse their company does thats what they will get. Hurting themselves and the person looking for work, especially if that person doesn’t want to be a short term employee. If the HR person is open to look past a resume and ask the right questions, test the person correctly how they see fit the quality of the employees are much higher from a REAL standpoint than some dick with a mile long resume and an poor attitude. For example, I got a promotion to another position in my org, and have ZERO experience on paper doing it… but I know the people looking to fill the position and they know I am very adaptable and can get the job done in the end. On the flip side I know of a place I interviewed at that sounded like a decent position and actually on paper was a little harder than I thought I could bite off. I went to the interview and the deeper it went i was thinking to myself, these guys are idiots, the work is what I am doing now and I am way over qualified to be doing it… it would be a step backwards for me skill set wise… but it was actually for MORE pay which was odd. I didnt get the job, and again since I knew someone inside I found out the idiot they hired over me didnt have a clue how to do anything he “pitched” to the interview people and was let go 4 weeks later. So FAIL on the HR peoples part, nothing I could have done.
Anyways Paul, get out of the rythem of life, how ever you can see fit. Keep the job you have now, thats the important thing. And take things YOU feel you need to change and strive to succeed at that one thing at a time.
Think about all the places you deliver to, next time you go there talk to one of the highest up people you can think of in the org, that knows you personally and likes you, even if they are the janitor and say what would it take to get a job here? Even if its nothing you want to do, or think you cant do it. Just go on the interview, with zero expectations (since you are already steady employed) and wing it for the experience. Towards the end be honest and say you know I might not be cut out for this, but I appreciate the time and from talking to you I can see you run a great business, one i would like to be apart of when a position that better suits me becomes available. BAM you have an in. Maybe that person will see the honestly in you and say “Actually my brother runs XXXXXX and is looking for someone like yourself”. See where I am going with this all?
I have a Delorean hot wheels car, PJB. Is it worth anything? Still in package
Another new level of PJB failure.
Agreed 100 percent, dude wants a non-bottom-of-the-barrel job with a bottom-of-the-barrel effort. As Howtard@Redline says, “Garbage in, Garbage out”.
paul. i like you man. but you have got to open your eyes and get motivated brother. i know u can do it! you just have to find your niche. do you have any special skills or are you passionate about anything that could translate to the workforce? im saying that bc i have been there before. i know you are older, and you would want something that has a future. i had to embrace change after i overcame the unknown that goes along with it. just take it slow and simple. look for a job that makes a little more than what you make and start there. get out and do different things in different places, meet some people and ask ask ask. if you see a place that you would like to work, stop in and ASK if they are hiring or have an opening. chances are they will see how motivated you are just based on that. you miss 100% of the shots you dont take. if you REALLY want something different, YOU have to make it happen. bc in the end, if somebody does give you a chance, you wont succeed if you dont mentally allow yourself to.
I confirmed it. I do see you there quite a bit. Today was legs than 22 miles on the bike so Im with you on the sweat thing.
I have talked to people about possible jobs whenever I go out with friends/relatives and their friends.
Actually thats how I got my current job and a few other jobs Ive had.
I consider myself a hard worker and have motivation to finish a task at work.
I really just get stuck somewhere because I get too comfortable. Happened with the last job I had too and looking back I wasted over 3 years there.
Ive been at this job 6 years now. Ive gotten raises but still no benefits/insurance. Not a huge deal right now but someday Im gonna get old and sick.
Also no retirement which is gonna fuck me over eventually.
Really my job is sort of mindless for the most part so I dont have any really skills Ive gotten from it, atleast nothing important. I can manage a shop but I hate being in charge since Im more of a follower than a leader. I can also fill orders and ship them out.
Most of the places I deliver to are restaurants and banquet halls. The hospitality industry isnt something I want to be in, just from the behind the scenes looks Ive gotten.
I know you can do it JellyBelly. If they say nothing is available, try again next week.
Drink, do drugs, and/or find a way to make yourself happy with where your life is going
I drink occasionally.
drink more
I think Mr. JB needs some black beaver.
no, Im staying white because I know its right.
I went out to a bar tonight with a smoking hot bartender and got drunk off shots of who knows what
it only counts if she came home with you
Not exactly. It only counts if she knows you by name and is atleast facebook friends. Its nice to have bartender “friends” of course deep down you know they are or were only your friend cause you paid their salary but down the road free drinks is nice. Never sleep with a bar tender cause if things go bad you lose the ability to go to that bar.
PJB go to Mohawk Honda and talk to Joey Wilson he is a sales guy now but used to be one of their best Service Writers. Tell him Ron Ladue sent you and ask if he knows we they are hiring for that next or if they are currently. He’ll hook you up, he is a real good friend of mine.
State job is all you. Take a civil.
Aren’t they cutting 9800 people from the state? The state is the worst place to go to work for right now.