PJB's Therapy Thread

Global Foundires in Malta is on a hiring spree, just apply online.

Become one of these guys PJB


She didnt. Her boyfriend was there a few times anyway.

Thanks Ron. Definitely something to check out.

I thought there was a hiring freeze now. Id love a state job though.

Im really trying to cut down on my daily commute. Im already at 23 miles/25 minutes and would like to work closer to home.

Another one for the list! Needs to be under 23 miles from home:retardclap

I use alot of gas going back and forth to work everyday. I really want to work closer to home. Im spending almost an hour driving and if I had a shorter commute I could be wasting less time and gas getting there and back.

And really what good is a little more pay if its being used for gas anyway?

Time to buy something more fuel efficent then…you have to go where the work is.

Agreed. I’m getting Grade 18 canvas letters up the ass and I’m responding to all of them as keep me on the list, but not interested in this position.

Ain’t no way in hell I’m leaving the security I have now for a state job which could only last a year.

I like the truck too much to get rid of it

Jellies, your dream job is out there (close to house, higher pay, no weekends, dayshift, blah blah blah). If you honestly NEED all of the things you say, just save the stress and stop looking.

I completely hear you on the commute thing since moving a block away from my store I really find it hard to look at new apartments that are anymore than 10 minutes from my work

99.9% chance youre going to have to commute further than you are if you want to move up in the world. If it works out you can always move closer to your new career after a year or so and it seems secure.

Welp, if you find the right job sometimes the pay outweighs the gas bill Mr. Jellies. If you go from making $10 an hour to $24 an hour, you might…just maybe, have a few extra dollars for gas each week. Just a hunch, I could be wrong.

Well yeah in that case it would be worthwhile but if its only a buck or so its not.

I guarantee no job is going to start me at over double what Im making now.

Really? Have some god damn confidence. Why? I worked for 7 years and finally made over $10 an hour, then I switched jobs and made more than double what I was making. The second you tell yourself you won’t find anything is the time you should get your blanket and curl up on the couch like a bitch. It may not happen over night and I guarantee it wont happen in a year, but you have to be persistent. Where I worked before I couldn’t get more than 2 days off in a row without having a solid reason for wanting the days off, I was always doing shit work, getting crap for shit I didnt even do much like yourself. Now as of 6am, PJB; I will be on paid vacation for 22 days straight, just by simply asking with enough time ahead.

Take your satin panties off under your skirt, put some man pants on and GO. Something is out there for you.

You obviously had some kind of worthwhile experience.

Right now Im making $13 an hour. Nobody in their right mind would pay me double than that just starting out.

this thread bottles my mind

I feel depressed.

Paul… come work on my crew, you can be my bucket bitch.

what do you do?

Tennis/basketball courts, running tracks, brick print, and seal coat