Planet Fitness employee admits to groping teen

i honestly wouldnt fuck her, i do fuck some really hot girls, but if shes old she better be drop dead gorgeous or else im not interested in her old cobbwebbed snatch

Hahahah As I posted before in Lindsay Lohan post, tons of guys on here said they wouldn’t fuck her. Including Dave… I thought she looked awesome, big tits and nice body is a done deal.

I’ve fucked extremely hot girls and ive fucked not so hot girls and as far as older woman (not including the he/she) my standards are a bit lower due to the DTF’ness in them… And lindsey lohans freckles would bother the fuck out of me.

I’ve fucked women from 18-53, hot, nasty, thin, fat…

It all pretty much feels the same. I’ll take a wild ass DTF any time/place 6 over a prissy 9 any fucking day.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to TurboTravis again.


No shitttt me too… Not into fattys though. Seems like half the forum is scared to fuck girls…

I fucked a 36yo once. After that experience I’ll stick to girls my age.

They are not, it’s just cool to act like you only fuck hot chicks when you’re on an internet forum. That’s a blanket statement for sure, but 9/10 times it’s bullshit, .5/10 that person willing to swallow their pride and basically be that girls doormat to just get laid on occasion, and the other .5 is pure looks and/or game.

Fat is whack but i’m cool with chubby girls. Usually wetter anyways.

Nah that’s just gooch sweat

Had girls from 6 years younger, to 9 years older than me. Skinny to chubby, no real fattys tho :lol I used to be cool. Heart a little meat on my lady.

not a fan of obese but love thick bitches

joanna shari, would fucking fuck the shit out of her

Perfect example is my local bar Saturday night…

Me and an old friend are sitting at the corner, and making some observations from time to time.

An ‘older’ woman walks in, late 30’s if I had to guess. Average looks, wearing a no-name winter jacket that she never takes off. She’s minding her own business, having a couple beers. Some college kids are at a table behind her, and one of them gets a drink and notices her. He’s visually nervous to make a move, but can’t help getting a good glimpse of her a few times a minute.

My friend and I called what was going thru is head to a T. He’s thinking “I’ll hit it, no question. But, do I take this girl home in front of my friends…”

She ended up leaving alone. Moral of the story is, is it’s the same shit going on here, and on every other forum when the topic comes up. The question is not if you’d hit it or not, but if you’re willing to let others know you did or not. IRL is was cool for him to leave with his friends, go home and compare Shmedium shirts. Conversely, on the internet, it’s cool to act like you only fuck models.

Before anyone asks why I didn’t fuck her, the time spent with an old friend was much more important than (another) one nighter.

This is the most accurate, true statement ever spoken on this forum.

The phrase “you can’t a bullshit a bullshitter” also applies.

As different as we all are, everyone likes to fuck, and if we want to fuck bad enough, will take what’s available. Difference is how we handle ourselves about it.

Which leads me to something that I’ve been thinking about a lot as of late, and discussed with a couple people.

The internet and it’s siblings (text, email, etc) are truly a totally new form of communication. For example, we can apply that statement indirectly to this thread.


I’ve fucked dozens of women off of the internet. Most of them were one time encounters, and sex was implied before we met IRL. No big deal, right?

But go back 20 years. There is a 99 percent chance that I’d have never met that person in my life, and just as big of a chance that If I was as direct with her in person as on the net, she would of slapped me across the face.

But electronic communication lets someone speak without moving their lips. Speak what they want, without feeling as awkward about it. We see it daily on here. Someone on here can have their IRL personality, and their internet personality. Personally, I try to keep them as similar as possible.

What’s fucking frightening is that we’re only in the infancy stages of electronic communication…


i had a chance to fuck a hot 45yr old last weekend, turned it down (temporarily). Its not the fact that i care what people think about me if i fucked her, i really dont give a dead mooses last shit, its more or less something too out of the norm for me. Its hard to change from hot 20yr old blondes with a cunt of an attitude to a super nice 45yr old thats old enough to be my mom. Intimidating? yes Weird? yes. But ill probably fuck her in a week or so.

Travis going KK style with the posts tonight. All things stated are dead on accurate though, wish I could throw ya some more rep

If you don’t hit it, fwd me her contact info:haha

I’d bet you a pack of Trojans that she would fuck you better than the 20 year old.

I know quite a bit about human sexuality. Like any of my other ‘hobbies’, I’m fanatical about learning about it and applying my findings.

:rofl she would probably break my dick in half (not complaining)