plans for summer?

just curious…

whats everyone trying to get done on their ride by this summer or for summer?
modding, tuning, upgrading, bodywork, etc…?
got any track records to beat?

myself… i may do some body work on my gts.
and probably look for a whole bunch of good but used tires for burning :smiley:

S1DC is getting ready to put some pretty sweet drift cars out for the 09 season.

Myself, new clutch, bigger injectors, paint and a cage to come

The other guys have done lots of work as well to get ready for the season.

Chris’ car Bastard Child is along getting seam welded from front to back and then sealed. The first layer of colour was put on as well and is almost ready to be taken off the rotisserie. Cage as well to come.

Cody’s car Patches also had extensive work done over the winter. All the rust and rot was removed, many parts upgraded and also got a fresh coat of paint. Also waiting on a cage.

There are going to be some great drift cars in the amature series at CSCS. Intese has nice cars, I’m sure John Fiddy and the guys from Drift 1 will be sporting some nice cars too. For an amature series, the fans will have some nice cars to look at between rounds and check out during heats. CSCS season opener is May 31st at TMP Cayuga.

My track car is body in progress, cage to go in, light clutch and flywheel. plan on 2 Mosport big track Solosprint events as well as other track days. car is a 91 240 coupe.

no intensional drifting but have fun when it happens

you guys are really doing it out this year…

i was also thinking of putting in a new clutch for my ride… thinking stage 3, but those are quite pricey…

but ye so far iv put in new balljoints by MOOG, apparently this is the top-of-the-line brand, with lifetime warranty… thinking of doing some other suspension realated work also…
maybe later on this week changing the clutch master cylinder to a gtr, the clucth feel is still wayyy to stiff rite now.

anyways, good luck to all with your builds!

Need to Paint hood and bumper, spark plugs, shocks and struts and a cold air intake. Already installed Y pipe and Motor Mount inserts…

gonna try getting my m licence this summer
any auto events coming up in summer???

I do not have any real plans except for rims…

during the winter, I had a lot of things just stop working on me (ie. lights, lip, angel eyes) so it looks like I will be fixing those.

Get my learners permit in August damn late birthday.