Play any sports?

what did events did u run?

1500, 1000, 4x8 relay, 600.

HS: Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country
College: Baseball, Volleyball ( club team )

I’ve played Soccer since I was 5 and still play 2-3 nights a week on indoor and outdoor teams. Golf is my hobby. About an 8 handicap.

ahh jeez, you were one of those “distance” runners lol. I never did get into the actually running aspect of track haha

ice hockey and bowling in my grammar school days.

bowling and track (sprinting/jumping) in my high school days.

bowled for a bit in college, but funding sucked so most was paid out of pocket…so i said F that, i’d rather just bowl in local tournaments for a chance to win more than a pat on the back and a trophy…

and post college now i do nothing, bowl occasionally, run occasionally (trying to regularly)…but work and school > free time.

lol if you ever saw me you’d understand why I do distance.
I miss xc alot :frowning:

volleyball in hs, now volleyball in college

i played baseball,football, and soccer during middleschool (not for school teams) HS, didn’t do anything because I had major back surgery freshman year.

jay kay lil buddy


hockey/lacrosse high school



Tennis, from age 5 until 21, where I completed 4 years of D1 at UB.

played hockey from age 5 til about 14 or so…played soccer since i was 4 and still play occasionally, that was my main sport…premiere teams, olympic development program, empire state games blah blah blah…played basketball in 7th grade and realized i was short and white and the rest was history…tried lacrosse in 7th/8th grade but since the amherst lacrosse program is like nazi boot camp i said peace the fuuuuuck out! wrestled from 9th-12th grade when i really shoulda pursued hockey but oh well…and i ran varsity track from 8th-12th grade because this whitey could run fast lol

Been playing ice hockey since I was 9 into high school and now all through college.

played lacrosse, basketball, soccer and bowling in high school and rode horses not for my high school. Now I am playing lacrosse in college still.