Playing in the blizzard of 2010!

Went and played in the snow tonight with my new 2010 Legacy and my buddy was in his 09 STI. Nothing extraordinary about the video or editing but some fun times were had.

Great vid! I was out for a while in the Miata but the snow got too deep and I had to keep way too much speed up to avoid getting high centered. Once I started getting snow drifts over the windshield I headed in lol.

ooooohhhhhhh snap. was good til pappy started driving lol

i had some good runs that he was unable to video do to user error… oh well! It started to get too deep and you couldn’t move. The main roads were the best. Doing donuts and sliding broadside down mcknight road and perry highway was blast

Glad to see that some people put their subies to good use. If I had one I would still be out there

was out this morning for about 2 hours. the car is so much damn fun in the snow

i think you should take your 240 out on those roads…pussy!

Its not a blizzard. Its just a snow fall. K thx

i would but the intake manifold would probably crack…

You are right we were about 10MPH short of it being classified as a blizzard. Gusts were only hitting 25mph.

another vid:

Ahhh I remember doing that stuff in my 1998 2.5RS.

I did a few donuts last night at the local Shop N Save in my Grand Cherokee. My 3.5 yr old was giggling. He says ‘that is fun daddy - do it again’. Then he wanted me to jump something. Crazy kid. I told him this aint Monster Jam.


oh dang

Steals GTO. Look daddy!!! I’m the dukes of hazard. Son they used a dodge. :rofl:

Hoe doesn’t have interest in the Dukes yet. I tried to watch it with him but he loses interest quickly. I think he likes Monster Jam because they smash stuff all the time.

Looks like fun…would have been out doin the same if i wasn’t out tryin to keep up with it plowin…

Got a little deep for this stuff later on…had to dig out a bunch of vehicles with the plow…including some turbo awd audi that kept drifting through the shit i was plowin…wanted to just leave him stranded…

I had my car out late yesterday and early today. Yeah it was fun for 10 minutes, then I realized that every gas station within 8 miles of here doesn’t have gas. I haven’t had electricity in 38 hours… I hope the North Hills has some gas, that’s where I’m headed.

the s4 loved the snow I drove all three days… put on about 100 miles lol. Drove some family around but mostly just to rally drive through my neighborhood and back and forth downtown a few times :slight_smile:

nice ! brian & i were out Saturday for a little in the Diesel playing

BTW sonny get in touch with me…i still need to talk to you…lol