Playstation 3

i had a huge debate on this in another thread casue someone was trying to act like they knew something about it…feel free to check it out…tons of info & data in that old thread

is there a chance it could not take off…yes but same with HD-DVD
if your saying HD-DVD is like VHS & blueray is like Beta…maybe we’ll have to wait & see

but if you look @ the numbers… blueray > HD-DVD storage size etc…

also…a lot of people thought that PSP movies would die but they have stayed in retail.

one advantage sony&blueray have over xbox & HD-DVD is this…
the PS3 drive is blueray reader…where the XBOx is not a HD-DVD reader, you must buy the add-on drive.
SO…Sony has the capability to create games on a blueray disc…not that any game in the close future will have enough data fill a blueray disc…but the potential is there…i’m sure there will be games soon that will be testing the limitations if a DVD disc.
XBOX is bound by DVD size as far as games where PS3 has the blueray capability.