Playstation 3

x2 the cheapest blu-ray player i found was around $900 :eek:

Well for those 15 people looking to spend $900 on a Blue-Ray player - yes, the PS3 will be a good deal. For everyone else it’s one god damn expensive DVD player/video game machine.

blue ray is the next “BETA”. does anyone remember the vhs/beta battle? Sony sucks at this and already lost once, they will lose again. The playstation vs xbox as far as graphics and gaming is close, if you want the playstation because it’s a blue ray player, you’re wasting your money because it will probably never take off. IMHO

don’t forget about the Mini Disc failure too! sony sucks at marketing new mediums

i had a huge debate on this in another thread casue someone was trying to act like they knew something about it…feel free to check it out…tons of info & data in that old thread

is there a chance it could not take off…yes but same with HD-DVD
if your saying HD-DVD is like VHS & blueray is like Beta…maybe we’ll have to wait & see

but if you look @ the numbers… blueray > HD-DVD storage size etc…

also…a lot of people thought that PSP movies would die but they have stayed in retail.

one advantage sony&blueray have over xbox & HD-DVD is this…
the PS3 drive is blueray reader…where the XBOx is not a HD-DVD reader, you must buy the add-on drive.
SO…Sony has the capability to create games on a blueray disc…not that any game in the close future will have enough data fill a blueray disc…but the potential is there…i’m sure there will be games soon that will be testing the limitations if a DVD disc.
XBOX is bound by DVD size as far as games where PS3 has the blueray capability.

beta was “better” than vhs also. but vhs still won because sony sucks ballz.



basing this OPINION on what??

its hard to argue with some with a closed mind on the subject.

ad if your talking about just machines…
side by side comparisons
xbox > ps2
Ps3 > xbox360

yep, it’s my opinion. I don’t think blue ray will catch on.

x2 good input

dude that will be speed


whats up with this scam??

says he has base model Ps3’s in stock now…lol

why ps3 > xbox360???

does the ps3 have hdmi / dvi?

Who lives near Shady Side to go investigate? The fact that he is asking to meet in person for it makes me wonder. If it was a blatant scam you would think he’d be asking for credit card info or PayPal.

But ‘early shipment’ throws up the BS flag pretty fast too…

maybe he robbing people…lol :dunno:

someone go meet him & punch him in the face

Good point.

But I did say ‘investigate’ - not ‘buy’. Go there with NOTHING on you and see :mrT:

But if it was legit, I would think they’d be gone rather quick - except for the fact that you can’t get games yet.

PS3 has HDMI

i’m just going by the side by side comparison on paper.

we won’t know for sure till they are both out & can be test, but PS3 has a slight edge on paper.


3.2GHz Cell w/ 7 SPEs

3.2GHz G5 w/ 3 Cores

ps3 has designated memory for system & video
256MB XDR @ 3.2GHz
256MB GDDR3 @ 700MHz

Xbox has shared memory between the 2
512MB GDDR3 @ 700MHz


500MHz ATi

Best Display 1080p Standard
Dual Screen Output

1080i Optional
Single Screen Output

1000BASE-T Ethernet
Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g

100BASE-TX Ethernet
Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g

Audio = same 5.1 Digital

Wireless Input
x7 on Bluetooth 2.0
x4 on 2.4GHz RF

they are very similar but if you had to give the edge just looking on paper Ps3 would probably be the choice.

IBM processor in the xbox :naughty:

I played PS3 down in orlando. Its pretty sick thats all i know.

Can you preorder ps3 yet? if so, where at?