Playstation 3

how is it overpriced?

a simlar 360 with the big hardrive & HD-DVD add-on is in the same price range.

& how is xbox better?? have you played both?

xbox dick riders get on my nevers.

Well Microsoft didn’t overload their system with unnecessary features like a Blu Ray Player. Granted i’m not saying that the ps3 isn’t worth the 600 pricetag because if u look at what ur getting, it’s not that bad of a price. But a videogame system is just that a videogames system. Sony is trying to make this PS3 some kinda state of the art all in one entertainment system. Screw that. When Blu Ray becomes the standard, i’ll buy one at a much cheaper price. The base PS3 is still +100 more than the Base 360 also!

first off how are they loading it with unessasary stuff…i think all PS3 games are on blueray discs so it being a blueray player is a added bonus.

personally i’m looking forward to the blueray just as much as the gaming.
i watch more movies then play videogames.
regular DVD’s are just ehhhh to me highdef is WAY better.
blue ray players alone are like $600-$1000 now.
so a $599 PS3 with 60Gig, blueray, HDMI, Wifi, memory card, SD & flash reader
is not outragously priced…yeah its expensive, but you’re getting what you pay for.
if you don’t like all the bells & wistles then get the $499 one without the HDMI, wifi, memorycard, SD&flash reader & only has a 20Gig

they said you can upgrade the harddrive yorself with whatever size you want.

& back to my point about people comparing it to 360 & bitching…get a 360 with similar features (bigger drive, HD-DVD add-on, etc…) & its going to be around the same price.

Nintendo Wii > your life

Im buying one when it comes out, so cheap, and so many 3rd party developers and jumping in to support it due to cheap devopement costs. I still have yet to play more then lke 20 PS2 games in my whole life LOL. I want a 360 also, knowing my luck I will wait till a year before something new comes out like i did with my xbox.

I think ima hang it out, target price is like what? 600 or so?

Im going for the Wii first… its gaining alot of good 3rd party support, like like the last nintendo systems

huh? the premium 360 is only $399. the premium ps3 is $599. I got the 360, 2 games, an extra wireless controller, a plug and play charger for only $570+tax. hmm, that seems worth it to me. blu-ray is overrated. how many people are going to trade in all their dvd’s for blu-ray? and isn’t there a battle with blu-ray? i read some studios aren’t going to support it. blu-ray isn’t even here yet in the mainstream so who cares if it has it. the 360 can do everything the ps3 can, minus blu-ray. wow, big f-in deal. wait 6 months and buy one for $100 at best buy, it still will be cheaper.

not sure how old you are… but there was a time when everyone used VHS tapes, not DVD’s. And there were some people that asked the same question you did… and DVD’s are here, go figure.

I think Blu Ray is a great idea, I do on the other hand accept technology easier then most. However, sony does not push new technology very well. They have failed at pushing technology such as beta max and Mini Disc. This scares me that they want to push a game console with so much technology.


So $399 + the HD-DVD for $150-$200 = tada around $599 WOW look @ that…math + reading comprehension is a wonderful thing

whitey is right…the next gen DVDs will take over & phase out the old 480p
regualr DVD’s are sub-par. High Def & nexy gen high def DVD’s are the future.

& its not overrated…1080p is better then 480p CASE CLOSED.
i see it on a daily basis.

& if you want to get techical about it …PS3 games are on blueray discs so blueray gives programers more freedom & space, granted not all games will utilize the space, but its there…last i read microsoft was still deciding on if they would make HD-DVD games once the drive was avialable.

There is a battle between blu-ray and hddvd discs. They are two different formats. They are both Hi-def dvd’s, but different companies are supporting each. Not all dvd’s will be available in both formats. I have a Netflix account, and they are supposed to be supporting hddvd’s, not blu-ray discs. Unless they recently changed their mind. So don’t bank on one or the other. VHS and BETA had a battle. Alot of people banked on BETA, but VHS won. I want REAL high def dvd’s just as much as the next guy with a hi-def 60inch wide screen, but I’m gonna give it a year or so before I spend the kind of money and commitment it’s gonna take to get true hi-def dvd’s.

P.S. Just in case everyone didn’t know, HDMI is one of the best connections for hi-definition video and sound. I paid $80 plus tax just for a 3 foot cable.

HDMI=High-Definition Multimedia Interface

I realize the difference between mediums. And right now I am still up in the air with which will be better. The past has shown sony sucks with new technology so I am going to be the HDDVD wins. On a side note Blu Ray Discs are available at wal mart.

I like most others will give it a few years till it sorts out. Remember when PS2 came out, people took to them because of the DVD capabilites. at that time not every home had a dvd player so the PS2 function as both a game system and a media player. I am guessing thats what they are trying to do with PS3… could be just a tad to early though

thank you for posting that, i knew there was a probem with the blu-ray. and if blu-ray doesn’t catch on, the $600 for the ps3 is worthleess. if it does, its a deal. time will tell…

HDMI is the same as DVI…but with sound imbeaded in it

if you have a DVI to HDMI or a HDMI to a DVI converter or conversion cable, you do not loose any resolution/quality…you just have to remember to run Audio cables.

i think they can both function…i didn’t think PSP movies would have lasted this long but look @ them.
personally i wouldn’t want to have to buy a seperate copy of a movie i own to watch it on PSP but people do.

blue ray hold more info then HD-DVD.
about 40% more.
but bluerays cost more to produce

more info on the difference:

Blueray = sony & phillips
HDVD= toshiba & hitachi

Blueray is supported by these studios
20th Century Fox
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
Electronic Arts
MGM Studios
Paramount Pictures
Sony Pictures Entertainment
The Walt Disney Company
Vivendi Universal Games
Warner Bros.

HDDVD is supported by:
Buena Vista Home Entertainment
New Line Cinema
Paramount Pictures
The Walt Disney Company
Universal Studios
Warner Bros.

both have heavy backers…studios, company boardmembers & financial contributers…

so its going to be interesting, but i would be suprised if they both servive

as far as some saying netfix doesnt support it…so what thats just a rental company… I don’t think thats going to be a determining factor as to one beating the other.

i think what will be interesting is if microsoft starts to make HDDVD games, like sony is making all the games on blueray disc…
then it will force people who what to play them to buy the HDDVD add-on…but last i read it was up in the air…they might just keep it as a media player.

we have to wait and see. all i know is i read that bill gates wants to own the video game industry. and judging from his past record on when he wants to monoplize something, he could do it. sony is a big company, but the 360 got a huge jump on it, and if halo 3 launches before x-mas, i think that will be a lot for the ps3 to overcome.

i doubt it…

PS out sells xbox here & worldwide.

in the US its closer, but sony is still selling more
go outside the US &/or into asia & sony is killing microsoft.

i think PS2 even outsold 360 but that has a lot to do with price an availablity

i think they will both be around for a long time

just like he’d like to take over the handheld market but Palm isn’t going anywhere

the new MP3/media player they are supposed to release to battle the iPod will be interesting…but i doubt strong enough to kill of the ipod

im def preordering a few but no one is takin preorders till after sept. im gonna have them shipped to my house so i dont gootta deal with all geeks and motheres

ok so where can we preorder?

don’t you think that after what happend with xbox 360 the everyone will try to buy a PS3 and sell if for crazy profit? much like when people buy tons of tickets for a concert and then get stuck.

how much better can blue ray be? seriously. regular dvd’s seem fine to me. my life isn’t even in HD cause i gotta wear glasses so what the fuck do i care about it.

its not just blueray…HD-DVD & Blueray are both highdef DVD formats.

480p compared to 1080p is a big noticable difference.
or at least to me it is.

id rather watch a HD broadcast of a movie on TV the watch a DVD.

i even have a decent DVD player that upscales DVD’s to 1080…its a tad better then a normal progressive scan DVD player but still can’t hold a candle to true 1080 high def.