Playstation 3

Word on the street is that Halo 3 sin’t dropping until sometime in 07, but that’s besides the point…The PS3 is a heck of a deal with what it has, but i personally could care less about blu ray right now…I’m gonna agree with Cutty and say that regular dvd’s are fine…sure u compare HD media next to SD media, there’s a difference…But as long as images are clear and sound is loud, who cares???


sure a DVD is somewhat clear…but i want clearer & sharper.
until you have HD in your home & see it on a daily you won’t understand


A buddy of mine has a HD digi projector. I’ve watched quite a few football games on it + 4 player HALO = SIKKKKKKK… Switching from a HD channel to a reg channel is like night and day…def nice to have, but i can live w/o it…to each his own

ok no one has really answered the question… where do you preorder?

Toy r us has preorders

i know game stop in south hill vill mall is but ps3 isnt due out until march now

sony still has it listed as 11/17/06
image from

from what i hear noone is taking preorders until the end of september if they do a preorder at all… some stores are only getting a very few amount of systems so u might have camp out to get one… my brother is very into gaming and i was talking to him today about it and they want to stop people from buying multiple systems and selling them

so what… you can wait in line and buy 3 right?

Chances of a store actually HAVING spare systems for a few weeks after the intial release is pretty much 0. Look at the 360, it took a while for 360s to even come into circulation after the intial launch.

I knew people selling PRE ORDERS that were 50 dollar pre- orders for 100-200 bucks so people could actually GET a preorder. Somehow these kids were allowed to preorder more then 1 or they used multiple stores. Quite a ingenious plan. I think i might do that. Plunk 50 down on a PS3 then sell my 50 dollar preorder for 100 bucks.

im gonna stop at toys r us and get like 2-3 preorders so i can sell the systems when i get them, and maybe buy a new car afterwards :rofl:

most stores are only gonna get between 3-5 systems on the first shipment their is gonna be a meeting sometime in october so they know how many systems theyre gonna get for sure and preorders are gonna be first come first serve and you have to pay in full and might be limited to 1 per household so i dont think that getting more than 1 is gonna be an option

im thinking im going to have to sit outside best buy starting Nov.16th at about 10pm :rofl:

maybe get my girlfriend to go to another store and sit out for me too and get one if she can lol… and give her a cut

yea thats what i was planing on doing actually lol shes lives in wheeling

I heard that PS3’s will be in extremely short supply for launch…something insane like 400,000 US units and 100,000 Japanese units…The shortage is supposedly being caused by Bluray production issues…The value of the PS3 has just skyrocketed ppl!!! I just may have to spring for one and sell it for 4x more on ebay!!!

i just wanna know where coupe dat got his preorders…


i doubt anyone has a preorder stores dont know how many they’re gonna get and sony has sent a letter to all their suppliers saying that if they took preorders to refund there money

i dont know whats better to do… wait till a best buy or some other store like that to open or wait till the mall opens and run thru it with a few dozen other people and see if i get one lol

…It wouldn’t surprise me if they ditch preorders altogether and just do first come, first serve…with the US only expected to get 400,000 units, each retailer will only get a few…ppl will be camped out days in advance