Please help my dog was stolen. *found*

if you paid a reward sounds like a street hussle. steel the dog, return it and get reward. thats low, expecially because it was a puppy.

People are ignorant, what if you had kids (or do) its kind of hard to be like surprise heres your new puppy, then explain to them how shitty people are because the dog got stolen.

either way glad you got him home.

in 4 story on return

Wow, that’s fucked up kemo, glad you got it back though dude :tup:

Good to hear! I’d go nuts if someone took George.

god whats the story!

Details man!

“You know you’re a piece of shit when…”

Story plz


Very common down south, they steal pitbulls and other dogs to fight them. No investment is 100 percent profit.

Ughh… glad you got him back… i want the story too please.


where abouts do you live migth help just saying

Read first post and page

Edited thread title for people who are to lazy to read entire threads. Still waiting for the returned story.

They would have to be nuts to steal him in the first place. LOL


He’s a great dog

so wheres the story wtf

he was upstairs the whole time wasnt he…its ok we wont make fun of you