And I will keep an eye out in the capital region for your buddy.
Is he checking the surround areas craigslist for the parts being listed? may be useful.
Seriously though, I don’t understand why most do not put a good system in your car to protect it, especially if its known to be built- it will be targeted.
Simply reading the post and keeping an eye out for anyone selling the parts listed during your daily exploits would of sufficed. People just gotta be jerks.
Nyspeed definitely has its fair share of assholes.
Way to represent NYspeed! Keep up the great work!!
I was going to post up a topic on the same thing but knew this would happen here.
I posted that because I knew most of you wouldn’t help out and the thread would turn into what it is right now…what a surprise.
Yes he’s checking it all out. They have video survelliance in his parking garage and the detective working the case is suppose to be reviewing the videos but for some reason Cody is not allowed to view them.
I can almost guarantee I won’t put one in my car. My cars are always unlocked. I live in the middle of nowhere though. There is maybe 2 cars in my town stolen each year so I’m not too worried about anything happening.
Cody found his car! It is undriveable from what the impound lot said. Still waiting to find out what they mean by this. Thanks to everyone that helped!