hey everybody whats up. I just picked up my 92 skyline gtst and im pretty happy with it. I’ll be honest, im very new to the skyline, and im not the best mechanically. My clutch makes a pretty annoying squeek when i push the pedal, when the car is on and off… i was told by a few people that my clutch is good, but id like to find out more. I have never driven a skyline before mine, and i find that i release the clutch very little and the car is very jumpy… is this an indication of a problem or do they just have a quick kind of release, (im used to driving hondas and other cars). Another few issues now concerning me
-im only 18 and i need insurance
-where can i get parts for the car
-my projector light is burned out… what type of bulb does it take
-i have a GTR trunk on it, it isnt aligned properly from the previous owner (the seams arent equal)… if i loosen the bolts and shift it over will it fit nicely, or this trunk just isnt right?

i know i have asked many questions, but nobody i know has given me answers, like i said before im very new to this car and any help you guys can give me will be really appreciated… thank you very much

  1. the squeak is probably the clutch pivot or the clutch master cylinder…just live with it.
  2. as far as the jumpyness…may have an aftermarket clutch…as long as it dont slip your golden.
  3. your local nissan dealer can get standard replacement parts, lots of aftermarket support as well.
  4. insurance??? good luck!
  5. headlight bulb…pretty sure its a h3 bulb.
  6. gtr and gtst are the same at the rear except for the rear quarters…should fit with a bit of adjustment.

good luck with the car…post some pics.

thanks alottt irishjohn i really appreciate it… that squeak worried me

you can get insurance, i had insurance set up with the personal, then i didnt buy a skyline but bc its old they ARE going to want to come out and appraise it and the insurance you get will be moer than likely comprehensive (fire, theft, etc), no collision, prolly be about 2 gs a eyar thats what it was for me and im 19, but good luck with that

im searching around… thanks alot guys

call pilot insurance company but only if you had insurance before and have your G licence right now.
good luck.
if not then i know some ppl who can help you out with this.

It might be worth your while to get the car re-vin’d to a standard canadian 17 digit vin.
In the end it will help you get insurance more easily

As for the squeak it sounds like maybe a clutch master cylendar as irishjohn said or perhaps even the pedal its self. Spray some lube on the pivot point and linkage and see if the noise changes or goes away.

also, check out some of the local skyline clubs (gtrc). Youll find tons of info and parts you may need.

thanks alot guys… really appreciate it