Pocket Knives, what ya got?


I was carrying one of those utility knife/tool things for a while but the screwdriver rivet got loose and it started making noise while in its holder so I stopped carrying it.


in before Kramer PJB.DOC

I have a couple push a button and the blade comes out type knives.
Maybe later I’ll take some pics.

HOLY SHIT i was hitting “quote” as i read your post lolololol

got that one my grandfather carried till the day he died but if that wont help me ive got my glock 9mm sittin in my glove box…conceiled weapons permit ftw!!!..makes gettin pulled over a bitch tho as you have to tell them and hope they dont get trigger happy when they pull their 9mm out on yah

just your standard butterfly knife here.

god where do i start…got a gerber. kershaw, columbia river, imperial? lawl, couple swiss army knives, a few no name pocket knives, couple old timers, survival knife, large buck knife, remington fixed blade, machete, and a few other that i cant think of at the moment. lol!!

Ahaha awesome!

yeah i couldnt even list them all, but honestly i dont carry any…im weird, i cant stand having mad shit in my pockets

adam:rofl…“im gonna butter you up ni99a”


Im the same way. I even cut down on how many keys I have and I hate carrying change so I dump that out at home. Just keys, a phone and a wallet in my pockets.

it puts the lotion on the skin

I carry kitchen knives

This is what I have with me, I just got the blade sharpened sharper than a razor. besides stabbing someone with a knife is retarded.Now if it came to that, stabbing them with the Plier part of this would be much MOAR Damaging!!!


:rofl Cheap ones too

oh man…haha

floppy ass kitchen knives

see adam and this is why we use metal detectors at jillians now.