Police Brutality in Braddock

what everyone is failing to realize, is there seems to be a stupidity gene that infects a good number of humans, it’s not going to disappear ever. The ones doing wrong may think the cops are out to get them and thats because they are. Just like dumb asses ruin braddocks reputation there are dumb cops ruining a police officers reputation, good cop bad cop, the ones people usually encounter and get offended by are bad cops, i’ve run into maybe 5 cops that i would actually say are cool guys, the name comes with the job.

jena six says that the media is highly filtered, you are shown only what someone wants you to see, hence why i don’t watch the news or give a hell whats usually on there. One of my co-workers has been deployed for a total of six years…desert storm was one of the places he went, opened a whole new window on what is actually going on over there, completely different from what the media leads you to believe

I will second this because from what i know only a handful of US Steel workers, myself included, still live over here. And it’s not just this area, it’s this city, any city in general, the younger generations are becoming worse, becoming more lazy, and becoming more careless, there are very few people coming up in this world who actually have a good game plan for life