Police Station Intimidation

Check this out! The cops wonder why people hate them.


I wonder if stations around here have these complaint forms. This video will make u hate the cops even more. They are real good about protecting each other.

that goes oh so nicely with the dsmtalk thread about the kid who got pulled over for allegedly street raqcing while he was at the restaraunt with his gf

Most police officers are a credit to the badge, serving the community and the people who pay their salary, getting criminals off the street, making the community safer for everyone.

But on occasion, a police officer and a member of the public they serve don’t see eye to eye, and the citizen feels a need to complain. In many departments around the country, the process starts out simply: a person just requests a complaint form.

You never hear about that asshole at the gas station. Yet ever ass cop is heard about around the world.

EVERY profession has there number of dicks.

They’re like plane crashes. You only hear about the bad. You never hear, “Oh the plane landed so nice” or “Oh, that cop let me off.” No, it’s, “that assclown cop was a fucking jerk when he pulled me over for being a dickhead.” :cry:

He will be fired (hopefully) and that’s one less dick out of hundreds of good officers. But, does anyone care about those good ones? No, its I ran in to a dick, therefore all cops are douches.

Edit_WTF font???!


Does anyone know if we have those kind of forms up here?

That’s some damn good reporting.

Dam, Thats some Shit right there! I wonder if you have to actually cough up ID When asked or if ya can actually just walk like that.

no damn way you have to cough up ID like that

it would not be fair and just to let anyone that wants file a report against their neighbor for ANYTHING but question the fuck out of someone for filing against a police officer

Yeah, in Orchard Park, Im pretty sure I could just walk in and walk out with a form, they might ask questions, but they wouldnt press them like that.

I tried to file police reports against numerous west seneca police officers in the past from harassment. Every time i was told by the officer that they refused to file a report. I asked why numerous times and insisted that i file a report and then i was threatened to be arrested along with my mother who was there with me.

Im not gunna get into my stories since that has been my past and i dont like to get into alot of things from my past however i will say that its everywhere. Not just in florida. The only way that you can beat the system is to be the system yourself.

edit: nevermind, that ^^^ takes care of that

Figures that it’s down here in FL…

I dont know, even though I do some sketchy things, the OPPD watches out for me. They came up to us guns drawn saturday night, and we ended up leaving with a nice to meet you.

In NYS it actually has to do with how a complaint is filed. . .on a simple information form, which goes to court the name of the complaintant has to go down, an officer does not want his name on that form in most cases, especially one involving a fellow officer.

I know there are bad apples out there, shit I know a few of the personally. But someone already said it, most of the time you don’t hear about the one that let me go for a ticket, or helped out someone who ran out of gas and took them to and from a gas station or something along the lines of that.

According the the Supreme Court, if you do not show your ID, you can be detained, this was a ruling that was made in the past year or so

or the one that lets you drive home on a suspended license, despite the fact that his superior was yelling him over the radio to arrest you and inpound your car

i havent realy met a dick cop yet, a bunch that werent willing to listen, but definatly not any that i would have to file a report about

Geez South Florida sounds pretty shitty as far as cops go

When snowmobiling this weekend we came to a plowed dirt road, we entered from the dead end side and saw two skinny guys in the road about a mile up. My sled is 100 percent legit, and we were doing about 10 mph. I am sled 2 and i move to the left about 3 feet to see whats going on and avoid the mist from my friends track. When we get closer to the guys in the road its obvious that there cops, one guy is checking cowl tags and the other is on his knees (to hide) trying to get radar on the guys comming from the other side of the road. We stop and he lets the lead sled go, i had to stop and the two other guys with us were told to “get out of here”. He takes my reg and insurance stuff. Then he asks for ID and once he sees i’m from out of town he leaves to his car with no mention of a violation. Comes back and says “your weren’t following inline, you know thats an imprortant safety violation” (yea, on a dead end dirt road traveling at 10 mph and 2 miles of visibility ahead) and hands me a ticket for “not driving in line”. This fuck looked like he was about 2 days out of the trooper academy, and was a fukin asshole. I almost lost my cool, so i just drove off. I can’t even defend myself, cause it costs more to travel back to watertown than just to pay the ticket. I think i might just go back there and fight it on principle alone, cause that was bullshit. Just adds to my hatred for cops. They are always there to harass the shit out of people, ( i’ve had run in’s while at my plane at night, while parked at my house with the race car, and snowmobiling every year). Keep in mind i’ve spent 6 years in the active army, currently in the reserves and i respect authority, but i have no respect for those that abuse it or harass others under the cloak of a badge. gotta love NYS.

^^^ fight it

People complain so much becuase… if theres an asshole workin at that burgerking… people simply wont purchase food there.ect. But with police… we have no choice we have to pay them… it comes right out of our checks everyweek. Thats why people want to have a say in what those piggys do.
For instance… Driving out to maine this friday on the 90 eastbound, i saw so many cops drivin at about 95 mph in the left lane. Obviously they were going to the funeral for the fallen officer but why must they drive at 95 mph in there gas guzzler cars that were probly gettin 10mpg! We pay for there gas to get all the way out from buffalo (there was a Orchard park car as well as a erie county sharriff) why cant we say… well because there driving all the way out there (im guessin past syracuse but im not exactly sure) if there drivin out there cant we as people say " we want them only going 70mph cuz it will save so much gas…

Sorry for the rant but im sure it makes sense!