political rant...

Although I do agree with universal healthcare, I do not agree with mammograms stating at age 50. There has already been a ton of backlash agaisnt this and i’m hoping they will bring in more opinions before it’s actually set in stone.

And as for the whole bowing thing…who cares? It out of respect for the leader…I’m sure they shook Obama’s hand as well, so what the big deal?

I’m not gonna get into the other stuff mostly because i don’t know enough about it to make an accurate discussion, however I will say that the spending is absurd. it is going to come back and bite us in the ass.

The only way I could see this happening is to push the Bible and God back into schools/courts/ect. Our country was founded on principles based on the Bible, there should be no separation of church and state. I honestly don’t see that happening though nor can I even begin to figure out how it could.

*I don’t want this thread to get into a religion beliefs war. Please don’t even start that.

I don’t think the bible would solve anything honestly. There are wayyyy to many people in this country who don’t belive in all the values, plus this is a DIVERSE country, setting one book at a set of ‘moral rules’ would completely tear our society apart.

catholicism is a fucking cult dude. in all of history all religion has ever done is cause wars.

what needs to happen, is people need to stop being pussies. this country was founded on certain beliefs, religious included, but were never forced down anyones throat. You don’t like that we have a prayer or something in the morning before class? Too fucking bad, go live somewhere else or don’t say the fucking prayer. People are such god damn pussies nowadays. I’m sick of changing the American way of life to fit people who don’t belong here.

Not really true, religion is a lot more than just a cause of war.

i agree, organized religion is responsible for many other atrocities. what / where has it legitimately helped or solved a problem?

this is OT, and doesn’t need to be in this thread. The beauty of it though, is that in this country we both can believe whatever the fuck we want.

I can’t even read this thread without laughing, much less argue. There are maybe two people in here who know what they are talking about. The shit coming out of some of you other guys is ridiculous.

I completely agree that this country was founded with the belief that everyone is ‘free’ the believe wehat they want. Seperation of church and state is good, and if they weren’t sperated I’m not really sure how this country would turn out.

But, I do believe religion does have some good sides, some ceremonies are just part of a persons culture, which benefit them. Also, religion has been a source of bringing people together through thick and thin since it began, it’s just a force that brings people together and gives them something to believe in, where some people would be lost without that, but I think some people really bring it to the extreme and give it a bad rep.

which category am i in? j/c

I never said Catholicism.

And not talking about prayer before morning class. I’m talking about taking the Pledge of Allegiance out of schools because it says the word “God” in it.


isn’t that shit retarded ?!!?!?! people that bitch about shit like that, and the people who allow it are CRIPPLING this country.

Obama killed JFK.

Bring back GWB!

:rofl :rofl


For $5K, I’ll force Crystal to run for office. If she wins, I’ll make her allow unlimited terms. GWB in office till 2065#%#@

I am with you. When people see something wrong they look the other way, nobody stands up for themselves or others anymore. Most base a decission on “how will I look if I…” You sir are a pussy! Grow a pair and stand up for something that can make a difference in other peoples lives too. I am with our buddy all the way.


You are one of two ahah

This forum is amazing. Everyone hates the guy that aced Harvard. They also have all the answers to fix this shit hole we all live in.

Yet, they live at home with their mom, step dad, 5 siblings, and grandma, at HVCC for the 12th term (or not at all), and deliver pizza in a Honda. :ahh

I agree. Some of the posts in here make me feel embarrassed to even be posting in this thread.

That does not mean I agree with Obama however, I really don’t care about ANYTHING else he is doing. But I am VERY against the public option.