political rant...

what else is he doing? he hasn’t done jack shit…almost a year in office and nothing is fixed

Educating one’s self on the issues and speaking with your elected representatives, getting involved with a lobbyist on the issue, etc. It doesnt change the world over night, but politicians only move to act for or against things if they are pushed by the people they represent. Lobbyists vs parties is the only thing that matters in Washington.

Complaining is free and fun but no one wants to actually make things better. It’s the reason our government runs over the public like a freight train and we’re all pawns in elections.

^^ Doesnt that go against your rules?

My post wasnt directed towards you, but your views on politics are a cancer. Most unwanted immigrants love this place and want to make it better, but you can GTFO anytime, please.

+1. They have the answer, which is ‘GIVE ME MORE MONEY NOW FOR DOING NOTHING,’ so they elect the guy that’s willing to give it to them. And now we’re $12 trillion in debt and headed for socialism. Sweet.

And I’m not going to escalate things, thanks Nicole, I’m done. This forum gets its news FROM THIS THREAD so…lost cause…

+1 jclark… I know i don’t pay enough attention but yesterday i flipped on the news and radio and it got me all fired up about the things i am very against. Thus this thread getting started…

It is very important to call your representatives, especially when there about to vote on a bill. I’m in the process of writing couple letters noaw:ninja

Rant not directed at you either. Kudos for paying attention and having an opinion in the first place, most people dont know enough to get even that far.

The news eh? :lol

Some people just can’t handle the ridicule. I can, because at the end of the day, what someone else thinks about me is irrelevant.

That being said, I agree with many things Wayne and others have said in this thread.

But the truth of the matter is: No matter how much we discuss this, think about it, plan for it…it’ll NEVER be fixed. Our Government has gotten in way to deep and it’ll never get itself out. Only way to fix this is cleanse the government of all corruption (don’t know how that would be done). But that’ll never happen. So we’re all screwed. When the population as a whole is suing for ever little thing, complaining about the Pledge, complaining about people saying Merry CHRISTmas, that’s when you know it’s just too late. In the 50’s and 60’s, student problems were chewing gum and talking. Now? Rape and murder are the trend.

This brings me to ninety1two40’s post about God in the nation again. I’m only going to post this once in this thread.

This is why I believe in God. I personally feel like he HAS done things in my life and they aren’t just ‘coincidence’ or ‘miracles’. And if all else fails (the Government, the economy, etc.), I have a FAITH that I’ll get through the rough times. I know older people who lived during WWII in Europe and basically faced all the odds (starvation, etc.) and made it through the rough times by believing in help from above. No jobs, no food, no thing…yet they made it out a’okay. So I believe that I’ll be fine even if shit hits the fan. Do you have to agree with me? Absolutely not. I respect your opinion. But do I think it would bring this country back to its feet, at least a little bit, if we involved the general concept of a higher being into politics/schools/workplace (which is the reason this country first began - religious persecution)? Yes, because people (over a period of time) would be more moral, less corrupt, etc. I’m not speaking about any one religion or my particular denomination. Just the concept of a “God” in general. I think it would help. Again, in the 50’s and 60’s, student problems were chewing gum and talking. Now? Rape and murder are the trend.

In the end, neither Obama or McCain would have helped and the next guy won’t fair any better. Like the Government in Ukraine (in which Yuliya Timoshenko is trying to make a difference), the good leaders (there are only a few) are butting heads with the corrupt ones (there are many) and no work is being accomplished.

This is solely my opinion and if you don’t agree with it that is fine. I couldn’t care less if you do or don’t. So take it or leave it. If you want to attack my beliefs and/or opinion, grow up.


yup i was chilling eating breakfast and saw some of the stuf then i start google the crap out it

No shit.

Check your e-mail. A nigerian has a deal for you.

Ilya. I am not trying to be condescending here, but you have a lot to learn. If you want us to respect your opinions, then do not post your opinion, then tell us if our opinion isn’t the same as yours, to go grow up.

If you post your opinion, expect people to have a rebuttle. Not an attack against you. You are not important enough for us to give a shit about attacking you. But we will post our opinions, and what we think about yours. Happens to everyone. You are not alone.

So far, my networth is up to $5 Billion in accounts receivable from a select few Nigerians. They are just waiting for my account information in the mail.

CNN.Com agrees.

Bold: That is EXACTLY the problem in Washington. That is the root of all these problems.

Tis was a joke from a movie (Will Farrell I believe).

I’m a better/more productive citizen than many Americans who were BORN here.

I got an education, got a good job, pay my taxes, don’t commit crimes (other than maybe downloading stuff of torrent sites), am respectful to all groups and all people, etc. etc.

Voicing an opinion and attacking a member is two different things (obviously).

Here’s an example:

“Ilya, I don’t agree with you, but you are entitled to your opinion.” = Opinion

“Ilya, you are a fucking idiot and religious people like you are the reason why we have wars, etc. etc. etc.” = attacking ones opinion.

Lately, a lot of the latter has been happening.

Thank you for your post though.

So instead of just constantly whining about it, why not change it and make it better?

You realize lobbies and special interest groups represent people with opinions. IF YOU ARENT GIVING YOUR OPINION TO CHANGE POLICY, NO ONE IS GOING TO LOBBY FOR YOUR VIEWS.

How long have been people lobbying for various things to happen? How often have they actually happened? The only groups winning are those who are clamoring for less and less laws/regulations (also known as liberals). The conservative group isn’t heard because, well, they are conservative and America isn’t about that anymore. It’s not good to be conservative, no matter how plausible their ideas are. That was soooo 1776.

America’s mentality (not just the goverment, but population as a whole) is: Do whatever you want, when you want, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. YAY!

Exxon and Marboro are shaking after the thought that Shawn is coming after them. :slight_smile:

Wow. Just wow. You’re actually ignorant. There arent only misguided views in there but straight up incorrect information. :rofl

Nevermind, I’m out. I’m not going to explain how lobbies work or their impact and the difference between liberal and conservative.

Again, not understanding how policy is made, influenced, and changed.

Shawn is the Glen Beck of the left.

How did I know you were going to say that? Of course I’m ignorant. It’s because my opinions don’t line up with yours.

I’m calling it how I see it. I hear is all these lobby groups lobbying for various things, but from the looks of it, not many of them actually get what they want. And if they do, they only get partial results. Maybe I’m reading the wrong news? Who knows.

But yeah, I’m an ignorant idiot who doesn’t know ANYTHING. I vote for JClark to fix our country. He knows EVERYTHING.