POLL: Date for Letchworth meet..

OK there seems to be enough interest to move forward. So therefore im goin to take this more seriously now. I need to know exactly who is in and if you will be bringin other guests. There is a choice between 2 dates, October 11th and October 4th. The date that has the most interest wins and it will be the day the meet is on. The faster i can get everyone to pay and the faster you vote will help this process move along easier. Standard fare for a grillin affair. Dogs, Burgers, Salads. easy stuff. I will need help in organizing further, so cky if your up for it i could use the help as well as another person to do this with. AS awlays POST the # of guests you want to bring if you are bringin any this will help in making sure that things are budgeted accordingly. MOST of the EXTRA money will be into door prizes and etc… There has to be money available to allocate into getting extra’s be it food or drinks. Figure the same price as last year…$15.

As always suggest something if you would like to see it possibly done. Keep in mind that mike isnt doin the cooking for this event so keep it within reason. Id like to make it what you want it to be, i dont think there has ever been a fall meet like this to my knowledge.

Just and FYI this poll is open for one week. Check your calanders now please and if you can go pic the date.



meh, I will be in the Caribbean on both dates.

poll edit hopefull coming soon… to include 10 5 and 10 12.

edit* thanks! poll now has 4 choices.

Down +1

so if tpgsr wont be there, who’s doing the food?

me and whoever is goin to work with me on doing this.

Not the greatest of cooks but I can probably lend a hand if need be.


provided a big grill i would vouch to cook


8-12 is the LSx shootout :slight_smile:

So…the 11th it is!

sundays are much better for me but i will be there late if it’s decided to be a saturday.

im in nomater what the date.

what way will everyone be going??? if i go i would like to meet the pack at like 16 and 39ish area… but again i dont know what way people are going… can we get sometype of info on that …then i will look into the date

In. Need help again?

me +1 if its on the 11th otherwise i’ll be doing the american heart association walk. on the 4th and i’m definately not cooking this time lol.

the 4th looks solid so far, vote soon because the poll will close friday. And Articzap, i could most definately use the help again. Please Pm me or call if you still have my number.

Bump… 2 days to vote im hoping to see all the same names from the last interest thread and more!

1 day left. Juding by the amount of votes and lack of interest im guessin you guys dont wanna do it?

Wow I hope it happens.