Poor manners and Worse driving skills

Ok, so here the altercation.

I’m heading south on Islington an am stopped where Rexdale Blvd and Islington meet. There are three lanes, two of which continue south over the 401, and one that leads to the 401 west entrance ramp.

I am in the center lane, I intend to continue in my lane south on islington. Joe Cantdrive in his moms car, is on my right side stopped next to me and is unable to follow the intended lines through the intersection as rexdal merges into islington. He is in the entrance lane to the 401 west. He decided that I am in his lane, and attempts to merg left into the back of my car (my mom’s dynasty) going through the intersection honks at me as if I’m in his lane. he then scoots around my right side, cuts right in front of my and slams hard on the brakes. I’m happy that I recently changed the brakes in the dynasty, or there would have been a dynasty on top of this kids tinfoil car. he then cuts off another person to his right and merges onto the 401… If the stupid fkcuer had stayed in the right most lane LIKE HE WAS SUPPOSED TO (gawd damnit) he would have gone onto the 401 and left me and my now hystarical G/F alone… Geezus Mother F’in tapdancing K-riste.

WTF stay in your own god damned lane ! WHY OH WHY do so many people have trouble with this ?

I can empathize dude, moments like that are really aggravating - and frankly, concerning.

Some people just don’t pay attention on the road anymore, it’s really that simple. Others seem to have this life complex that translates on the road as driving like you’re the only person on the road (ignoring lanes, not signaling, sudden decisions & last minute movements).

I’d say just leave space and drive defensively…or of course you could share in my brother’s methodology and try to get each person back with exactly what they did, every time. :lol:

I was contemplating not breaking, and pushing this mofo into cross traffic at the next light (the light right after the 401 W on ramp) my dynasty is big and heavy and is the clostest thing to a 4 door Chrysler tank that I know of (drives like on too uhg…) If it had not gone right through this mazda, or nissan or ford POS I wasn’t paying attention to the make. It certainly would have no trouble pushing it along for any distance. but with the G/F yelling at me… I just stomped on the gas and made it look like I was going to ram him… then he got onto the on ramp and fckued off…

Now I know why I find random shoes on the road, in moments of Fury there’s just nothing else to throw at people… Too bad it’s not legal to light up peoples cars with paintballs…

GTA has the worst drivers, and riding my bike everywhere confirms this.

I have had a few close calls with ppl not looking in both directions when turning out onto a main road. Im riding on the sidewalk, because i sure as hell wont ride on the road.

Wanna hear another conspiracy theory of mine involving the insurance companies?

I think they have a stronghold over the ministry, which is why the Ministry of Motor Vehicles grants so many clueless drivers their licenses. More drivers, more cars, more insurance, more money.

How many friends and girlfriends and mothers do you know that are just brutal drivers, and couldnt parallel park or 3 pt turn to save their lives.

I see stupidity on the roads at almost every traffic light. Girls on their cellphones making a left turn at a light, and just waiting till it turns amber, so they can go. Meanwhile leaving the rest of us waiting behind her. Or grandmas who curb their wheels while making right turns. I know one lady at work admits to driving slow in the right lane, because that is how she can judge the distance of her van to the median or line. If she drove in the left lane, she said she would hit the curb. Great.

But really, i have mellowed out in my old age. I have had some crazy road rage, and things could have gotten worse, in retrospect. Best thing to do is just take a deep breath and count to 10. I dont listen to jungle anymore in my car, only Jazz. Helps keep me sane. If ppl do stupid shit and want to ram my Dodge Stratus, they can go right ahead. I dont mind having my insurance rape them for a new car.

I live like 5 minutes north of there and I go through that intersection alost on a daily basis and trust me it has happened to me so many times because people in the right lane don’t realize a new lane starts all the way to the left and they go through the intersection thinking the midlle lane is the right lane and end up cutting off the guy in the middle lane, I see it all the time and it has happened to me there a few times too. People don’t pay attention to the roads they or other cars around them.

Yesterday Im on the 401 east bound on the middle lane just west of keele st. this guy in front of my with a new chrysler charger is trying to switch lanes to his right to exit on keele st and everyone is doing 100 to 120 and he is doing like 80 and he is expecting people to let him in, he cut’s off 2 cars and still doesn’t manage to get into the next lane in the mean time he is going slower and slower to change lanes, I look at my speedo and it’s at 70 kms/h so I switch to the left (passing lane) to get around him , as soon as I swith I hear tire screatching and I see this car right beside me on the right come within about 3 feet of rear ending this guy. This guy is doing like 70 kms/h and the guy coming up behind him is doing like 120. I was lucky I switched lanes otherwise the guy doing 120 would of rear ended me.

Don’t people realize it’s easier to switch lanes if you speed up and go faster then other people and get in front of them, then it is to keep slowing down and try to cut in front of someone going faster then your self?

Slow nervous drivers are more dangerous then fast confident drivers and they cause most the accident, proven theory.

Wow, I sympathize!

Reason being I see idiots in cars that gun it through left turns missing bikers (and pedestrians) by like, 1 foot. They don’t seem to care. Congrats, just think of all the time you saved getting to work… :roll:

Whenever I turn and pedestrians are anywhere NEAR, I keep my distance and give them more than enough room to walk or bike by. You need to have an utmost respect because even lightly hitting one could have all kinds of severe consequences.

As a driver, pedestrians should almost scare you.

one of my friends got rocked by a car when we had a 15 person bmx crew crossing a street by a person ripping a right turn without looking.

One my way to work, its mostly industrial, and business. And one DMV. :rolleyes:

honestly i kno where ur comin from man just right now on my way to work im getn off the higway and some douchebag in his fancy suv almost rams me and has his high beams on so I drop my foot to the floor and leave him in smoke and what does he do at the stop light, gives me the finger and turns right, if i didnt have to go to work I would follow him CHU wanna play rough OK

Yeah i used to do that.

I chased some asshole in my 323 beater, then they pulled over. 3 big guys, and they threatened to shoot me.

I was by myself. Not smart.

I would have dropped gloves, but i dont think its worth getting shot over.

I get crazy road rage, and need help.