Poppa Dent comes through big once again!

I appreciate all the paintless dent repair guys I’ve worked with over the years, but there’s always been one consistency: it seems like they all turn down the tough jobs, and only want the “gravy.” It’s understandable to see why, I’m sure there are enough easier jobs to stay in business. But on the consumer (auto dealer, so frequent consumer) side of things, PDR is often preferable to matching paint, taping, sanding, painting, wet sand and buffing, and still having it not match 100%.

For the tough stuff, Nick aka Poppa Dent has consistently come through for me.

He did wonders on an e39 5 series BMW a while back, and he hooked up a Prius fender most recently.





I highly recommend his work for those in need, his number is 716-946-9389

I always wondered how the hell they got the stretched metal and creases to return to their original shape. Looks like he does nice work.

wow that’s impressive

Nick is a good guy, and obviously knows what hes doing. He did a great job on my wife’s audi awhile ago.

I sent Nick out to Michigan back a couple months ago to take care of some stuff for me and he did a great job. looking forward to working more with him.

Nice Dre! Now you gotta get him in for another dent meet for the rest of the NYSpeed lol.

What does something like this cost? I have a massive dent on my truck, appears to be much easier to do over that Prius dent.

do you have his number? My cr-z needs a little love.

Number is in his last line of the post.

Read, meatball.

Ah yes that would help if I read that lol. Thanks